Guys my 6.5-06 is pretty accurate. It'll do half moa or less 3 shot groups at 100 easily and consistently from one day to the next as long as I hold up my end. With my physical limitations I find a chassis to be more comfortable to shoot. Particularly with the grip. Plus no bottom metal and the ability to use different mags is nice.
Lately I have been considering bedding the recoil lug/ front action screw area as well as the tang with Devcon. I could easily do the full length of the action as well but I don't think that would be necessary. I like to drill small holes in the areas that I bed to give the bedding compound a bit more bite. I skim bedded my 308 stock with bedding block with Devcon and it helped that rifle a lot. My gut feeling on the chassis is that it couldn't hurt and would have to provide a more solid, consistent fit with the action. I'm not worried about resale value of the chassis. I'd like to hear what y'all think.
Lately I have been considering bedding the recoil lug/ front action screw area as well as the tang with Devcon. I could easily do the full length of the action as well but I don't think that would be necessary. I like to drill small holes in the areas that I bed to give the bedding compound a bit more bite. I skim bedded my 308 stock with bedding block with Devcon and it helped that rifle a lot. My gut feeling on the chassis is that it couldn't hurt and would have to provide a more solid, consistent fit with the action. I'm not worried about resale value of the chassis. I'd like to hear what y'all think.