bedding an aluminum bedding block

I have generally used Devcon Steel, but this last time I tried the ProBed 2000 from ScoreHi Gunsmithing. Each has its benefits, and for a first timer I think the Devcon will work great.

I bed the whole action. Why not? I don't want to come back and redo it if I don't have to, though I have done that when I was not satisfied with the result.
I have generally used Devcon Steel, but this last time I tried the ProBed 2000 from ScoreHi Gunsmithing. Each has its benefits, and for a first timer I think the Devcon will work great.

I bed the whole action. Why not? I don't want to come back and redo it if I don't have to, though I have done that when I was not satisfied with the result.

Thanks for all your advice. One last question...I know you tape the headless recoil Nuts to help center them in the holes. As far as the recoil lug goes...does it typically still touch the bedding block or do you noticed that when you bed the recoil lug area that there is now bedding compound inbetween?
Thanks for all your advice. One last question...I know you tape the headless recoil Nuts to help center them in the holes. As far as the recoil lug goes...does it typically still touch the bedding block or do you noticed that when you bed the recoil lug area that there is now bedding compound inbetween?

Generally there is a very thin layer behind the recoil lug.

If you send me your email address I may be able to send you pics of what I use. Note that this week is a bit busy so no guarantee how fast I will get them out. Or, I might try and post here if I have the time.
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