Longest Kill Shot ?

163 meters bull elk .50 power belt out of a factory ML Iron sights.

Of course all my rifle elk have been much closer. Funny how that happens.
Do you use a tripod with your range finders or go hand held? For longer ranges, a small tripod seems to help me a lot.
No I have not tried a tripod yet, there is only so much gear a guy can carry. I'll try a monopoly and see if that helps. Thanks for the tip
760 on a running hog, witnessed, while standing because the grass was too tall. I laughed at my luck and my hunting buddy said some things in disbelief (lots of profanity) Then another hog stopped to sniff the dead one and I got it. FN PBR in .308, Sierra Gameking. I rubbed that day in for a longggg time. In fairness we culled hogs on 55,000 acres in West Texas.. We both worked 3 on 3 off so we spent every day off shooting hogs. Lots of longish shots out there. One coyote at 1040. Solid rest 7mm RUM Sendero. Calm day, perfect conditions. He was holding still eating on a cow carcass. Game animals, nothing over 250 yds.
602 yards Bull elk 28 Nosler 180 eldm

283 yards mule deer 6.5 creedmoor 143 eldx

Both rifles built be me!!
Simple question: What has been your longest kill shot on varmint or game animal?
Antelope at 615 yards
7x7 elk 791 yd. .300 rum 1 shot
Federal Trophy Bonded Tip

antelope 650 yd. .270 win.
2 shots. Federal 130 gr. Federal Trophy Bonded Tip
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