No tight shorts here Pauly. You are the only guy I know that has been complaining about a bullets performance for years and still uses them. As far as I remember it started with your disappointment on the wounded bear you killed at 10'.
But you kept using them.
Then I remember the disappointment in performance with your gut shot sheep.
But you kept using them.
Then you fiddled with the tips till they blew up on impact of I believe a caribou. Lot of pics there.
Are you still using them?
Find where I reported any failures of the bullets I used before I switched to Bergers.
Bet you can't. But you can find where I suggested other bullets for some applications.
I sit and read while you haters whine and poke insinuations about me till I was full of it.
I only post facts of what I do and see. Well supported facts, I will add. And I have killed more game with the Bergers than any of you jumping in here playing god.
Very little if anything you have posted in this thread has any real valuable content. You have acted like a little school girl since the beginning with your worthless posts about popcorn. I stayed out of it at first, but I got sick of it.
And while I am at it I call BS on the post from stenger about shooting a deer at 760 yards through the shoulder and it penciling in and out the shoulders. The deer runs off and he finds the unharmed bullet. If this is true he needs to buy a lottery ticket.
Anybody else got enough hair to agree??
I'd say you've outdone yourself. But that's only a partial truth. All you've done is repeat your same performance, fill the same BergerOZ role, and fulfill every expectation we had for you, based on your prior pro-Berger posts and numerous attack the anti-Berger messenger rheteric over your past several years on Berger Patrol.
The most unbelievable thing you've posted in this entire Thread?
I am not reading all this thread, I have heard most of it all before. But has the question been asked if these bullets were pointed or tip modified in any way?
Get real. Berger bullet Threads are your obsession. Ever ask yourself why the compulsion to intimidate, silence, control, attack, interrogate, malign, accuse, and chastise every member that's ever stated anything you've interpreted as anti-Berger? It's all a re-run. Take-two. You'll generally start your 'defense of Berger' posts suspiciously yet civily, but when you find yourself unable to control the content and direction of the Threads to your satisfaction, accusing other members of lying has become your standard operating practice.
stenger doesn't see it the Broz way so he's now a liar. And me? I
really don't see it the Broz way so I'm a little school girl. Gotta tell ya Jeff, your opinion might mean something if your big boy pants of weren't hanging lowly - down around your ankles.
Really begs the question. Why the obsession? You've gone beyond representing Berger in any respectable fashion. Is it all really just about you?
Pauly... Really? You in high school or what? Ask Rhian if he can spare a set of those big boy pants. You've clearly lost yours.
Above, you typed
I only post facts of what I do and see. Not pulling any fast ones tonight. I see no facts in your post to me. All I see is the answer - played out in real life - to bigngreens pondering as to why all the Berger 'problem' Threads go to hell in a hand basket. Take a look see. Broz in his finest hour.
You no more than type it, and then walk straight into it...
Agreed, maybe some of the Haters or whiners...
You complain about Haters and whiners, and then proceed to claim the grand prize on both counts with the content of your post to me. Might as well double up and call stenger a liar while I'm at it. Because I'm really really mad now, and I've lost my pants. Your best hope at this time Jeff, is for Len to close this thread down, before you self-inflict further damage. Self-denigration - believe me, it isn't pretty.
Anybody else got enough hair to agree??
I suppose this is your call to arms? All those drinking the Broz Kool-Aid, your leader has sounded his call. Grow up Jeff. Pull those pants up, shake off the dust, and ask yourself why the obsession?