Lightweight Barrel & Stock recommendations??

If it were me I'd sell the 700 action and buy a Tikka T3x Lite or Superlite (if you like fluted barrels). Or keep the action and still buy a Tikka. For hunting purposes, it should shoot just as well or better than a Rem 700.
Look for sales during the holidays. I have a 300 win mag on a stainless Remington action that weighs in at 6lbs 12oz, with the scope its right at 8lbs. Its a joy to carry and shoots like a dream. I got the Christensen carbon barrel and a Edge fill McMillan Remington Hunter last year on their New Year sale. Barrel came from the Christensen's store and the stock from Redhawk Rifles. I don't recall the exact price of both but it was pretty close to $1,000.
Look for sales during the holidays. I have a 300 win mag on a stainless Remington action that weighs in at 6lbs 12oz, with the scope its right at 8lbs. Its a joy to carry and shoots like a dream. I got the Christensen carbon barrel and a Edge fill McMillan Remington Hunter last year on their New Year sale. Barrel came from the Christensen's store and the stock from Redhawk Rifles. I don't recall the exact price of both but it was pretty close to $1,000.

I had heard good and bad about Christensen, so much so that I almost did not buy the barrel but $480 (I think) for a threaded, short chambered barrel I had to try it. I have been really happy with it so far. 200 grain Eld-x, 78.5 grains H1000, 3000fps and .3" groups. I'll take that.
I was just going to suggest a full rifle from Christiansen rather than building off an action for that weight range. The light weight carbon fiber or Kevlar stocks are around 16 oz and cost over $600. Good barrel, $400 so you are at $1k with work to do on the stock.

You can get a DBM system as light as a BDL but it will cost you.
Most of my rifles are around 6 - 6-1/4lbs naked. Pretty easy to get there with a standard sporter contour and an MPI or similar Kevlar laminate stock. Tikka t3 or Rem 700 LA, doesn't matter much.

A blind mag saves some weight in the Remmy, not so much for Tikka.

In my experience it's diminishing returns below 6#.

Anything sub 7# with a scope becomes a lot tougher to hold steady in the unsupported standing or offhand position especially if there's a breeze, and/or elevated heart rate involved. My .02 anyways...
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