Lightweight stock

Axial Precision Carbon Hunter! Stiff, lightweight and ergonomically 'correct' with the negative comb.
I went through this recently looking for a lightweight stock. I decided on a McMillan Hunter with the edge fill. I was told it should be between 26 and 28 oz.
Since this is a long range forum, I'll assume the intent of this build is to shoot long range. I know there's a lot of preferences out there, but you might keep a few things in mind:

A vertical grip is a good thing. It allows you to have a consistent 90 degree trigger finger, and lets you pull the rifle straight back. A more swept grip will make it harder for you - still doable, but you have to work harder.

A "high" comb is better than "low" comb and/or Monte Carlo style heel. You want the heel as high up as possible to be in line with the bore to mitigate recoil.

Measure your own length of pull and see if whatever stock you want will fit you.

A stock should make it easier for you to shoot, it shouldn't make you work harder.
Since this is a long range forum, I'll assume the intent of this build is to shoot long range. I know there's a lot of preferences out there, but you might keep a few things in mind:

A vertical grip is a good thing. It allows you to have a consistent 90 degree trigger finger, and lets you pull the rifle straight back. A more swept grip will make it harder for you - still doable, but you have to work harder.

A "high" comb is better than "low" comb and/or Monte Carlo style heel. You want the heel as high up as possible to be in line with the bore to mitigate recoil.

Measure your own length of pull and see if whatever stock you want will fit you.

A stock should make it easier for you to shoot, it shouldn't make you work harder.

Thank you sir, I appreciate that. The vertical grip was something I had kinda let slip my mind. It's really hard to decide when you can't get your hands on them. That being said, which way would you lean?
I never thought it would be this tough to pick a stock. I guess it's a great problem to have...Looking at these pretty hard: Mesa Altitude, manners mcs-eh4, Mcmillin game warden or scout. Don't think I can go wrong with any of these honestly.
I never thought it would be this tough to pick a stock. I guess it's a great problem to have...Looking at these pretty hard: Mesa Altitude, manners mcs-eh4, Mcmillin game warden or scout. Don't think I can go wrong with any of these honestly.

All good choices and all will be within 2-3 ounces of each other- although I bet Manners can get that EH4 pretty light with a 1/2" pad.

The McM Game Scout has a narrower forend-- I fit a Proof Sendero Lite into one and can send you the pics-- the Warden is supposed to be wider and more accommodating for the CF barrels.
The McM Game Scout has a narrower forend-- I fit a Proof Sendero Lite into one and can send you the pics-- the Warden is supposed to be wider and more accommodating for the CF barrels

That's right I forgot that when I was listing them. Since I'm going CF barrel that would probably make the warden a better choice. But would you send the pictures of the scout you did?
The McM Game Scout has a narrower forend-- I fit a Proof Sendero Lite into one and can send you the pics-- the Warden is supposed to be wider and more accommodating for the CF barrels

That's right I forgot that when I was listing them. Since I'm going CF barrel that would probably make the warden a better choice. But would you send the pictures of the scout you did?

Look at the McMillan Game Hunter as well, it's just like the game warden, but with a Monte Carlo cheek piece.


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The forend on the Game Warden is the same size as the HTG stock. You can easily fit a Sendero contour into it.
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