Lightweight hunting rifle recommendations

I have no issue with the recoil. For reference my Classic Select in 30-06 is shooting 180s at 2950 fps which is pretty stout. Less than 7.5 lbs with 4.5-14 Leupold. They have a nice recoil pad.
Thanks for the advice. Now how much do you want for the 6.5cm? :)
6.5 is not for sale 🙂
It's a 2 tone limited edition classic select (1 of 1000).

Doesn't shoot worth a darn either. 😂
I've backed off this load - as it's a little on the hot side. No pressure signs this time, but when I went to repeat it I got a slightly heavy bolt lift. Nothing on the brass though, as the Kimber bolt faces are smooth - not like Remington's where you can easily see an ejector mark.

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Looking for a new rifle to take out west with me. I'd like to get something relatively lightweight <8lbs, durable, and of course accurate. I'm somewhat flexible on calibers but I do want something that has good ammo availability. Ive looked at so many rifles that I've over complicated it at this point. Some rifles that have stuck with me so far are browning xbolt hells canyon, sig cross, tikka T3x, savage 110 ultra lite, howa hs carbon fiber, kimber 84m.

My budget is $1400, for the rifle alone. Throw me some suggestions and show me your setups and what you like about them!

Thank you!
If you want to buy it and simply use it all without going broke a Tikka, alternatively a Howa they're more accurate if you're using an aftermarket stock. Trigger on Tikka is superior, bangs for buck the best scope has the be the new Leopold VX3 HD series. Presumably we're talking a hunting rig here.
Tikka T3 Superlight 308 5lb 150z. With VX5 3-15 in Leupold one piece aluminum rings 7lb 6oz. Stainless steel and shoot reloads into .75" Scope and rifle under your budget.

Savage Ultralight 28N 6lb 5oz, With VX6 3-18 x50 in Talley one piece aluminum rings 7lb 13oz. Standard calibers weigh 4 and some 5 ounces less. Stainless steel and shoots reloads into .5" Rifle under budget by 100.
My vote is on the tikka ctr in 6.5cm. I have one that I put in a b&c stock and it shoots 1/4moa. I have never seen a tikka rifle not shoot sub moa. Tikka in Finnish means woodpecker. They're always pecking the same hole!!
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