Lightweight hunting rifle recommendations

I like Remington mountain rifles myself for a light weight rig. This one is in 308 and is accurate as all git out.
After going through a number of light rifles. I think how the rifle fits you is more important then just about any other factor. Most of the lighter options are pretty decent these days. But the fit will affect how you consistent you are, how accurate and how well you absob recoil. The most extreme example is a .243 Finnlight that I've done load development on, that I can't control half as well my .338ss. Both rifles are the same weight, the Finnlight's stock just doesn't work for me.
Looking for a new rifle to take out west with me. I'd like to get something relatively lightweight <8lbs, durable, and of course accurate. I'm somewhat flexible on calibers but I do want something that has good ammo availability. Ive looked at so many rifles that I've over complicated it at this point. Some rifles that have stuck with me so far are browning xbolt hells canyon, sig cross, tikka T3x, savage 110 ultra lite, howa hs carbon fiber, kimber 84m.

My budget is $1400, for the rifle alone. Throw me some suggestions and show me your setups and what you like about them!

Thank you!
Tikka T3x SS in 7-08. Weaver Grand Slam on it but Leupold VX3i on hand. Accurate light. Reliable. Range, power and accuracy with minimal recoil and ammo is available. Also bought a Remington 700 in 243 that shoots 3/4 Moa, restocked with Leopold scope last year. 11 yo grandson shot 2 deer and coyote with it.
Lots of decent cheap rifles that shoot 1 moa out there but I recommend a Tikka. 7-08 and decent scope.
I will have to say that Kimber's stock design is one of the best designs on a factory rifle.
Recoil comes straight back and non magnums have very little muzzle jump.
On magnums, it has less felt recoil than heavier guns and the muzzle jump is very easily controlled…..the timber models look very, very good too, even the standard model stocks.

Looking for a new rifle to take out west with me. I'd like to get something relatively lightweight <8lbs, durable, and of course accurate. I'm somewhat flexible on calibers but I do want something that has good ammo availability. Ive looked at so many rifles that I've over complicated it at this point. Some rifles that have stuck with me so far are browning xbolt hells canyon, sig cross, tikka T3x, savage 110 ultra lite, howa hs carbon fiber, kimber 84m.

My budget is $1400, for the rifle alone. Throw me some suggestions and show me your setups and what you like about them!

Thank you!
I only have experience with Tikka and Sako.
Quality out of the box. Here in Edmonton on the rifle ranges around us, Tikka reigns supreme for accuracy out of the box. Tikkas are the most common budget rifles. Savages are regarded well but lower quality for the money. Myself I bought a second hand .308 Sako A7 in .308, 1 minute angle rifle all day any day, most important stable impact point regardless of bitter cold or warm weather.
Both the light Remington and Kimber are good rifles for sheep and other mountain game pursuits.
My choice is this 6.5 PRC Browning X-Bolt Pro at 6 lbs. 3 oz., carbon fiber stock, stainless action and barrel that is factory lapped and many other "semi-custom" details. It may seem pricey but when you add up all the goodies it is a bargain, especially when compared to a very similar SAKO Carbonlite.
Another Tikka fan here,I coyote hunt more than anything.Bought a Tikka 22-250 shot it about a year and bought another in 223 .Bought 223 for backup and mainly range gun since it uses quite a bit less powder.Any guns bought in future will be Tikka after the way these 2 shoot.I shot Model 70 rifles for close to 50 years in a bunch of calibers till my first T3.
What critters you going to be shooting out West? Deer, Elk, Goats, Antelope? I would pick a caliber first, and then from there a manufacture. Not all caliber options are available from every mfg on your list.

I'm partial to Kimbers. Got 6.5 CM (84M), 2X 30-06 (84L), and a 270 Win (84L). All shoot great with handloads (1/2-3/4 MOA).

280AI might be my next one.
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What critters you going to be shooting out West? Deer, Elk, Goats, Antelope? I would pick a caliber first, and then from there a manufacture. Not all caliber options are available from every mfg on your list.

I'm partial to Kimbers. Got 6.5 CM (84M), 2X 30-06 (84L), and a 270 Win (84L). All shoot great with handloads (1/2-3/4 MOA).

280AI might be my next one.
Mainly just deer, for now. Once I draw an elk tag I'll worry about getting a new rifle like. I handled the Kimber 84m at cabelas, couldn't believe how it light it was. It was chambered in .308 and I was curious how they handle recoil?
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