Let see those deer rifles

37531071-C712-4CEA-A977-75387EAE3F59.jpeg Nothing fancy but it's a very special rifle for me rem 700 in a 280
Unfortunately I can't use rifle for deer in my area, shotgun/muzzleloader or bow only. So I've been shooting savage 220f 20 gauge slug gun with great success so far out too 250 yards and closer
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we are trying to plan a hunt on my buddies property for this up coming season and then back down to Montana next season so have to decide which rifle to take. Have a 6mm creedmoor that has taken a few coyotes out too 550 yards and a crow at 625, my 260 rem which I've shot my pb group at 640 yards, and the new one coming in a couple weeks, 25 creed

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Great looking Deer you got. I have a slug barrel for my 870 Remington. don't know if it would shoot out to 250 yards. I just might take it to the range and see how far I can reach out.
My favorite whitetail gun is an Encore pistol in 250 Savage AI. So much easier than toting a rifle. Shoots just over 1/2" at 100. View attachment 181816
I spotted a 7-30 Waters the other day and thought about trying one out for deer. I like the idea of having less to carry when I am dragging my fat butt up the mountain.
That's a 1917 cg hainel..built in suhl..gew 98 Mauser..I've killed polar bears with that old sob.. everyone on the drill rig has their watch..you have to otherwise the bears will come in and ransack the place..that old rifle right there lives on my houseboat..8/57 Mauser..an oldie but a goodie
That's a 1917 cg hainel..built in suhl..gew 98 Mauser..I've killed polar bears with that old sob.. everyone on the drill rig has their watch..you have to otherwise the bears will come in and ransack the place..that old rifle right there lives on my houseboat..8/57 Mauser..an oldie but a goodie
Uber Reliable when needed ! :)
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