Let see those deer rifles

Stalking rifle. Sako finnlight 6.5CM with Sig sauer scope.
static hunting. Bergara B-14 HMR 6.5CM


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Great looking Deer you got. I have a slug barrel for my 870 Remington. don't know if it would shoot out to 250 yards. I just might take it to the range and see how far I can reach out.

thank you, this shotgun is the ticket for slugguns!

well they do make a pinned 870 slug gun and it seems to be pretty accurate. More so then just replacement barrels not that they shoot bad, but once I got behind the savage 220f and tested a few out too 300 yards I was sold. They point and feel like a rifle, short and easily carried, and little recoil compared to the 12 gauge! This buck was 202 yards, the doe the day prior was 180 ish and both were drt. My other big buck a few years back was 110 ish through the thicket, my brother dropped a doe at 150 on the run and I dropped a nice doe at 247 yards! I wish I could hunt with a rifle but this is the next best thing
Nice, I was just thinking of building a 25 creedmoor ultra lightweight rifle, which is essentially a 250 savage ai. That'd be much easier to find a chambering in. The good ole classic that started it all IMO (don't think Creedmoor shooters will admit to it, and I'm one a 22&6 cm)

I'm putting together 25 creed as we speak. Just waiting for the prefit to show up and she's finished. It will be more of a comp gun but so far from reading on this caliber I think it would make a great low recoiling round for hunting
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Remington Model 721
Weatherby Vanguard Series II
Both chambered in .270
Neither are fancy, but they sure are fun to shoot!
Now those are long range rifles with the accuracy to humanely kill with one shot. I'm not a fan of belted cases or timber stocks. I'm a custom carbon stock maker and like the befits of having a stock that doesn't cause change of impact when used in all types of weather Just about all the high volume stocks on the market are constructed to sell cheaper than their competition to make money.
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