CNY Yote Hunter
Well-Known Member
Haven't read all the comments yet cause I'm working but I'll throw in my opinion quick. Powder charge is one of the last things I worry about for accuracy. I find a speed I like and is suggested for projectile performance. I've never been much for starting .020 off the lands, usually I will try the coal and then measure the cbto for a reference point and adjust from there. The reason I don't care for the coal measurement is because the most wide spread variation of machining I've seen is from the tip to the ogive on a projectile. Being consistency is key the most accurate measurement is where the projectile meets the lands. I have found seating depth is one of the most crucial keys to accuracy so I would completely disagree with that theory. The powder charge, I just watch my speed and ES. If it's burning well and the ES is within an exceptable range for me I send it. I am not an expert but have over 20 years into this venture myself and the time I've had to practice and play this is what I've found.