Let’s see those Smokeless builds!!

Check with Hankins Custom Guns I built a pro hunter three yrs ago with a brux barrel from him 26" plus brake shooting 62 grains h4198 pittiman 300 grain aero max at 2624 ft and is a tack driver
All my gun pics are laying on deer her is my Hankins custom guns tc pro hunter with a brux barrel


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My problem is that every time I get the cash together to build/buy one, I seem to get another "standard" custom started in a different caliber.
Totally understand. I've forced myself to be happy with some trusty 'go to' center-fire's in order to do the smokeless thing. Have to admit…I kinda like NOT having to worry about brass prep and seating depth tests with these SML's. 😉
Curious if anyone has tested 45 caliber pistol bullets for a cheaper plinking option. Im getting pretty interested in a SML build lately for no real reason.