Lead vs lead free - what did you use last?

What did you most recently hunt big game with, lead or lead free bullets?

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I'm starting to feel bad for the animals that you kill. :eek: 😂
Not much meat on doe ribs to waste at least. I do feel bad about wasting meat but it does happen from time to time as I'm sure we've all experienced. As far as feeling bad…it's all but an instant death. Faaaaaar kinder than anything cruel old Mother Nature grants any of her creatures as an exit - well perhaps other than literally getting hit by a meteorite or struck by lightning - my dad and uncle had a small herd of cattle when I was growing up…they had gathered under a tree during a bad storm and a particularly powerful lightning bolt took a bunch of them out…like 9 animals if I recall. There was no other explanation. They were all just stone dead under a tree, not a mark on them, no signs of any struggle. Freaky!
I shot Hammers again this year. I took 4 NC whitetails that all died quickly. However, you sure don't need monos to kill whitetails. All of my previous kills with lead bullets died just as quickly.

With new bullets being released every year, who knows what I'll be shooting next year?
I'd stick to animals and targets...just me! But hey...in life there's nothing wrong with shooting for the moon!
I've been reloading for 49 years....all lead for 48.9999 of them. Tried my first mono this year 270 wsm...nice buck 150 yards...ran 50 into heavy timber...150gr Hornady spire points previously knocked down 8 in a row...DRT...jury is still out....but yes minimal meat loss...
Not much meat on doe ribs to waste at least. I do feel bad about wasting meat but it does happen from time to time as I'm sure we've all experienced. As far as feeling bad…it's all but an instant death. Faaaaaar kinder than anything cruel old Mother Nature grants any of her creatures as an exit - well perhaps other than literally getting hit by a meteorite or struck by lightning - my dad and uncle had a small herd of cattle when I was growing up…they had gathered under a tree during a bad storm and a particularly powerful lightning bolt took a bunch of them out…like 9 animals if I recall. There was no other explanation. They were all just stone dead under a tree, not a mark on them, no signs of any struggle. Freaky!
I have been lead free for a few years now. Never thought it would happen till I tried cutting edge and hammers and was very happy. Well over 100 pig in one year handful of sika, over 20 deer, several Audad. Very happy with them.
All hammers now except my .458 socom and .375 AM
Hahaha I was thinking of mentioning that possibility! I'm sure if there's intelligent life capable of interstellar travel within our galaxy their top priority involves killing livestock and confusing humans in rural Saskatchewan
Well I guess it worked...they now know that farmers in Saskatchewan can all be killed off while everyone blames it on lightening....it was a test...just like Covid😂
I've used nothing but hammers in my rifles this year and if I could find some good all coppers for my muzzle loader that's what I'd use in it.but I'm running the power belt elr in my 50 cal with great success.i do know for a fact that the deer I've shot with hammer has no were near the blood shot meat as with lead bullets
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