Lead free bullet compilation

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I think we should do some bonding and go over the you think gas is expensive and take our aggression on the two trolls over there. If they get hammered on enough (no pun intended I don't think) maybe they will dissappear.
I guess I'm not interested in looking for fights and taking out any aggression. That's not the right way to handle it, imho 🤷🏼‍♂️
I guess I'm not interested in looking for fights and taking out any aggression. That's not the right way to handle it, imho 🤷🏼‍♂️
There's alot of aggression and anxiest out there these days. I'm not real interested in it either. I see many bullets out there because there is no perfect bullet. So each bullet is designed for certain characteristics, performance, or price range. Kinda like rifle brass or anything else out there. Say for instance I'm a Ford guy, but I have a Chevy, Jeep, and Toyota as of right now. They all have their purpose and intended consumer target. Maybe it would better serve everyone to live and let live. I won't quote Rodney King here.
I can fully understand that and I do agree it goes both ways. I just feel like anymore the emphasis here is with Hammer. I applaud you on your success and popularity, in all sincerity. What I don't care for is how it appears you feel the need to defend your product so much and to the point at times it's downright unprofessional in my eyes. Yes, that's my opinion. Many others on here come across the same way regarding Hammer bullets and posts talking about them or not.

I also fully understand and am aware that other bullets and manufacturers have had similar popularity on here and there's been similar discussions, like with Bergers for example. I don't recall Walt ever getting on here and getting defensive and unprofessional though. He didn't start on this forum though, so I get your more unique situation here.

I'm not telling you your bullets suck, your company sucks, you suck, or anything like that. I'm simply telling you how I feel and from my perspective. I respect your own perspective.

I want things to get better, not worse. I search for solutions, not to contribute to the problem. Admitting there's a problem is step one.
I am good with that. Thank you for your words. I am capable of punching down. I am sure to some it is unprofessional. This did not just recently start. @FEENIX has, for whatever reason, had a beef with Hammer Bullets since we started. I ignored him for years when he would take stabs at Hammer Bullets. Years before you became a member here. He made his crusade openly now, and I will now defend myself and what is mine. Not doing so would be foolish. Is there other guys like @FEENIX taking shots at Hammer Bullets that I don't know about? Probably. I do know about what is going on here and I am simply not going to just take it. If the man brought results from his own work, good, bad, indifferent, then I could discuss the merits of the data. He doesn't do that. I don't recall him ever bringing results from his work with anything. I could be wrong here. He did say the other day that he has others do his testing for him. It may be a leap on my part, but I take that as he doesn't do this stuff. Again, that is fine, as long as you don't lead others to believe differently. I offered to give him bullets years ago, so that he could test them. Thinking it would be a good idea, since he was so well respected here. He told me that copper bullets just weren't his thing and that maybe someday he might try them. That was my first inkling that he was not quite the shooter that I thought he was. I don't recall offering free bullets to anyone else to test and being turned down. Again that is fine, just don't pose as something else. He mentioned a while back that he bought some of our bullets to test and post his results. Ooops, I guess he meant for someone else to test and he would post their results. I looked into my order history and I could not find anyone in the Great Falls area that had purchased that particular bullet. Maybe he doesn't live in Great Falls MT, like he says. Surely he would not post that he bought Hammer Bullets to test, when actually didn't.

So is it beneath me to engage @FEENIX when he attacks my company? As he would say, I just want everyone to decide for themselves.
There's alot of aggression and anxiest out there these days. I'm not real interested in it either. I see many bullets out there because there is no perfect bullet. So each bullet is designed for certain characteristics, performance, or price range. Kinda like rifle brass or anything else out there. Say for instance I'm a Ford guy, but I have a Chevy, Jeep, and Toyota as of right now. They all have their purpose and intended consumer target. Maybe it would better serve everyone to live and let live. I won't quote Rodney King here.
Exactly. They all have merits and areas they excel and fall short on. It's great to have choices and it's great to have competition. It's what drives innovation and keeps prices competitive as well.
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