Lead vs lead free - what did you use last?

What did you most recently hunt big game with, lead or lead free bullets?

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I voted unleaded, because my elk was shot with a Barnes TTSX, but had I not thought I bumped my scope on my primary rifle I would have been shooting lead core.
Lead. I have been using 140gr Accubonds in my 270 the last 2 seasons. Recently picked up a bunch of Barnes TTSX to try out. Planning on getting a new rifle for next year and will shoot both to see what the rifle likes best.
FIVE, One shot, Kills on, Deer and Elk, in my Family, this Year,..
3 ELD-X's, 6.5 PRC, Bang,.. one or, two,.. Hops ,.. DRT
2 Berger's, Bang Flop, NO,.. "Hops",.. DRT
Couple years back, .270 WSM @ 3,150 FPS with, a 140 AccuBond, on Elk ( "Boiler Room" at, 60 Yards ),.. Bang, Hop, Hop, Hop, Hop, Hop, finally, fell,.. over ! Agree with, LVJ76 ( post 93 ) NOT, using them, again !
My Family is, SOLD on, Lead Core, "Hunting" Berger's and Hornady, ELD-X's !
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