Lead Poisoning

What a weekend on here. Personal feeling is that Steve / Hammer are good guys that meant well but didn't anticipate how it might be perceived by those of us who react to the fandom. I don't get bunched up over it. I'm sure the reactions he/they are accused of wouldn't be anything like they are if they didn't feel all the animosity. When we/they get defensive, things just don't come out right. Human nature stuff to me. Still shoot their stuff. It's another day. How long we gonna fight over egos? 🤠

There's always a way to win the argument, right?

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My first step on any social media is make sure you're talking to who you think you are.

It's not just Twitter, Facebook etc where you may be engaging a bot, a troll, or the same individual with multiple accounts.
That is true we all should be careful who we engage with. However many here have multiple accounts.

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