Lead Poisoning

They Pull Me Back In Al Pacino GIF by The Godfather

Whose tagging you? Yes I want to hear.

I think he is confused. He tagged himself when he first replied to the thread so now when anyone replies to this thread or quotes his post, he gets an email. No one @'d him.

And I'm reading this in my spare time for kicks which may be mentally sicker than this whole bombshell of a thread.
Lol! Give it a few more pages. 💃
I was accused of it like a week ago, by one of the few that think they can dominate the forum world and destroy Hammer Bullets. The ignorantly prejudice group. Usually they only make themselves look bad. I'm ok with that. Now they taken this topic and made all hunters look bad. It's terrible. Fortunately Len deleted the first thread that was literally vile. It was there for a while, so you know the anti's saw it and documented it. Good folks need to stand up for themselves and let everyone know that they are not trash hunters that don't give a rip about the environment. We are the environmentalists, we actually care about the environment. Not the leftist socialist that took the moniker from us, that only care about ushering in socialism.

For those of you who don't know, that is not name calling. It is pointing out the thought process that possesses them (the anti Hammer group) to do what they do.
Not defending anyone on the video but you do realize that is in Texas and the rancher owns those Barbary sheep. Steve even says that he can't see what's behind him. The owner of that ranch doesn't care if they shot a baby one. It killed both of them from the looks of it.
But why hide then by removing the dead animal if the ranch owner gave him the ok to shoot? Why even take a chance with all the animals around it? Unless it's high fenced, I believe the Aoudads are like deer and free range now that their are so many.
It's called being sensitive to sensitivities... 😉
Do you shoot immature varmints/hogs? Have a problem with veal? Under normal circumstances this would not be considered sportsmanship if it is indeed what it looks like, but this one is on the ranch. Their call. His comment almost seemed as a protest, but they said do it. It appears to me he does go for high point of impact at least. Likely more to the story. I'm letting it go. I agree this posting is a violation of the forum rules and for sure of this thread.
Man, Hammer Bullets is living rent free in so many heads it's amazing, you know you doing some thing right when you have a whole YouTube channel devoted to stalking Hammers.
If it weren't for Hammer bullets that channel would have zero traffic and little clickable content!!
I see posters on there that used to be on here - got kicked off for bad behavior. Hmmm...