Large bore coyote kills

I got a double this fall with my 9.3x62 shooting 250 accubonds at 2610fps. Both were right at 115yds.

The first was a female shot a little bit back causing most of the insides to come out the off side.
The second was a male shot though both shoulders leaving an 8" exit. Sorry I've gotten rid of the exit wound pictures
I have shot a few with my .300RUM pushing either a 215 Hybrid or 230 Hybrid, both at just over 3110MV. They are wicked on coyotes. NOT fur friendly. I have shot them out to 1365 yards on coyotes, dead right now.

Softball sized exit @ 350ish yards. This coyote actually ran about 100 yard on a dead run. Shockingly.

Football sized exit @ 160ish yards. This coyote went no where. But there were pieces of him in the trees 40 yards behind him and 10+' up.
I don't know where my pics are, but I shot one with my 30-06, 150gr SGK, at 20 feet or so. Entrance just behind the shoulder, exiting the chest with a hole the size of a softball.
Went out to shoot some management deer at long range with my 338 lapua, 300 gr. Berger EH's @ 2822 MV. We can shoot out to 1450 yards here on a different line from the photo. Deer didn't show but this fox did at 418 yards. He was head on and I hit him in the chest. That's his tail 20 feet behind him.
Rifle: RWS 338 lapua, defiance action, AIAX chassis, brux barrel 27" custom contour, Calvin elite triggger set really light, Bushnell XRS 4.5-30x56 34mm tube Horus H59 reticle, Silencerco Big Bore Harvester suppressor.


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I killed one with a 300WM this winter. I knew the hit was devastating when I could see steam rising from above the tall grass. No saving that pelt.
New 375 Ruger is up for the next one.
I didn't really expect much expansion out of the bullet on that light of an animal and was hoping for a pin hole and to be able to keep the pelt. That obviously wasn't the outcome.....
I killed a yote with a .300WM and a 180 accubond at about 300 yards a couple years ago. He was just sitting behind some sagebrush and I think he thought I couldn't see him so I went prone with a bipod and sent a round. All I saw afterwards was a big puff of fur floating in the air. I didn't bother going over to see what it looked like.
Went out to shoot some management deer at long range with my 338 lapua, 300 gr. Berger EH's @ 2822 MV. We can shoot out to 1450 yards here on a different line from the photo. Deer didn't show but this fox did at 418 yards. He was head on and I hit him in the chest. That's his tail 20 feet behind him.
Rifle: RWS 338 lapua, defiance action, AIAX chassis, brux barrel 27" custom contour, Calvin elite triggger set really light, Bushnell XRS 4.5-30x56 34mm tube Horus H59 reticle, Silencerco Big Bore Harvester suppressor.

It looks like he ate a hand grenade. And the tail is bonus points. Good kill!!!!
I have shot a few with my .300RUM pushing either a 215 Hybrid or 230 Hybrid, both at just over 3110MV. They are wicked on coyotes. NOT fur friendly. I have shot them out to 1365 yards on coyotes, dead right now.

Softball sized exit @ 350ish yards. This coyote actually ran about 100 yard on a dead run. Shockingly.

Football sized exit @ 160ish yards. This coyote went no where. But there were pieces of him in the trees 40 yards behind him and 10+' up.

The fact that it made it 100 yards with that kind of damage is amazing.

I did not know that one could do splatter painting with a .300 Rum like that.

I wonder if my 275 grain RMB at 3100 will do something similar?
I got a double this fall with my 9.3x62 shooting 250 accubonds at 2610fps. Both were right at 115yds.

The first was a female shot a little bit back causing most of the insides to come out the off side.
The second was a male shot though both shoulders leaving an 8" exit. Sorry I've gotten rid of the exit wound picturesView attachment 132742View attachment 132743

So with the double was it two coyotes with one shot?
325WSM w/200gr NPs- almost cuts them in half at less than ~75yds~ with a good rib cage shot. Big holes past that.

338LM w/300gr NABs- what do you think it does?

Shots to the hard drive with either one are not what I'd call "made for TV"

I also have shot a 'yote with a 325wsm-220gr Sierra handloads at about 500m, almost cut him in half and drove him down thru 6-8 inches of hard crust on the snow. I walked out to get him and never left a track.
Also shot a deer once about 450m, same gun, 180gr Winchester accu-tips. The sumbitch seen the muzzle flash and turned to look, hit him in the spine about halfway down his back, he was cut in 2, and his insides were jello.
460 Weatherby does surprisingly little damage. Small hole in and out but coyotes have never taken a step after being hit. We used to shoot them LD with 300 Win and 147 grain BT FMJs. 800-1000 yards they are good on pelts and the yotes don't go anywhere 95% of the time. Odd one would run a short ways when heart shot. If you shot them under 150 yards with the 300 win, not at all fur friendly even with the solid bullet.
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