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Won't work.Open hunting no tags needed and get rid of them
Won't work.Open hunting no tags needed and get rid of them
Having lived in Idaho all my life, what you have been told is on the same level as the democrats trying to impeach Trump. Just because you have a sheepskin does not make you smarter than everybody else. I have seen a true grey wolf back in 1977. It was not anything like the ones introduced. There was no reason to bring these in. This is and continuing to be a great travesty to the wildlife of Idaho. They kill just because they can. They do not eat everything. They do not just take the weak and young. They take whatever happens to be there. Idaho law says that NOBODY can introduce wildlife into Idaho without consent of IDFG and then be licensed and controlled. A certain group of people thought they were above the law. Just like the democrats. There here now and will be forever. Elk and everything else will suffer from here on out. The certain people will have ruined the ecosystem. It's happening now. Until you live here and around the You will never know. It is getting closer and closer till a human will be sacrificed by wolf . Damned neared happened in canada this last summer. There was nothing wrong before but it is almost a complete catastrophe. Overeducated,underworked,onesided people making decisions.I hear all sides of this. If you listen to the Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation, the wolves are the epitome of a threat to the whole ecosystem. Western sheep and cattle ranchers will pretty much back that up. We must maintain a balance in the population, or we stand a chance to have another animal go extinct. That cannot happen. I seriously doubt the wolves in the west, will get to the problems caused by feral hogs and coyotes in Texas.
I,ve hunted in wisconsin since 1962 ,missing 65'-69' while served in the USN.we,ve gone in our area from seeing 20-60 deer a day to "0"....we sent 6 seasoned hunters out last seasom,only 1 man saw a deer,a doe and fawn...since the Wi.DNR introduced wolves it has decimated our deer population...At 20K, it sounds like you were over-populated. Biologists in Idaho say that wolves account for less than 1% of the total predation of Idaho elk. While cougars account for the largest predation, at only 2%. Life mortality accounts for the biggest loss, as cow elk have achieved a longer life span, and it has come of age.
Said it on here before I'll say it again. As someone who grew up in cattle country trying to keep yotes off the calves during calving season. I have zero interest in wolves being here. My ancestors helped kill them off from this area and I hope it stays that way. Now someone start another Creed thread so we can wash repeat just like we do the wolf thing.
Allow more tags to hunters.What method would you employ to check their numbers.
Here is a piece of information you may not have considered and many do not know. There used to be a population of caribou in NW Montana, not enough to hunt but they existed. For the most part they are non-existent now.I hear all sides of this. If you listen to the Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation, the wolves are the epitome of a threat to the whole ecosystem. Western sheep and cattle ranchers will pretty much back that up. We must maintain a balance in the population, or we stand a chance to have another animal go extinct. That cannot happen. I seriously doubt the wolves in the west, will get to the problems caused by feral hogs and coyotes in Texas.
I hear all sides of this. If you listen to the Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation, the wolves are the epitome of a threat to the whole ecosystem. Western sheep and cattle ranchers will pretty much back that up. We must maintain a balance in the population, or we stand a chance to have another animal go extinct. That cannot happen. I seriously doubt the wolves in the west, will get to the problems caused by feral hogs and coyotes in Texas.
Yes there was. But not this specie.First of all there was no reintroduction, wolves were here before they transplanted them to Yellowstone.
and they killed off what native wolves we had left.They aren't even indigenous to the area. What close to twice the size of the wolves that originally inhabited the area.