Wolf numbers here in BC have grown out of control.
Forestry industry hasnt helped because all the road clearing and cut blocks, and wildfire of beetle pine have made it harder for moose, elk and Caribou to hide in timber, and easier for wolves to run them down. Currently we have a govt cull going on up north to save the caribou. And it is working. Caribou numbers are coming back. Catch one wolf, collar it, track it to the pack, fly over them with a chopper and some expert marksmen, and take out all but the collared wolf. Let him run to the next pack, repeat the program.
Our provincial govt is mostly left/socialist/green/ anti, but the biologists have it right. Just wish they would smarten up and re-open the griz hunt.
As for hunters here, we have No Bag Limits on yotes and wolves in many areas, but its not an effective means of control. Hunters rarely see a wolf, they are very cagey.