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Kill the wolf?

I have had a few interactions with wolves both around home and on my annual trips north. A couple times I've had lone wolves walk up within a few yards of me and check me out. I was armed at the time, (always in the woods), but I just enjoyed the contact and let them be. Wolf packs are a different story. Some friends and I came across a wolf kill one time that was pure meanness. It was a young bull that had been taken down by a large pack and they tore his throat out and ate his tongue and ripped his belly open and ate a few choice organs, and that was it. They left all the red meat intact on one of the best eating animals in the woods. We tracked back the chase and it went on for at least a mile. You could see where he tried to fight them off a couple of times with chunks of fur littering the ground but they eventually ran him into the ground and pounced on him. We kept an eye on the kill site for a few days to see if they would come back but they didn't and soon the bears took it over. Once I watched a small flock of Dall sheep make fools of a pack of wolves that were attacking them on a rocky sidehill. Every time a wolf would get close to overtaking a ewe she would run straight at one of the small trees on the hill and duck sideways just before hitting it. The wolf wasn't so agile and he would smack headfirst into the tree. The Caribou and Moose weren't so endowed. Caught in the open the were just a game for a large pack. As brutal as these creatures are I don't mind sharing the woods with a few of them. Its when the packs get larger than three or four mature animals that it bothers me and I am not averse to doing my part to reduce their numbers.
Missed the reply. Couldn't agree more. I have had a front row seat to the destruction of our elk herds by the wolves and fish and game mismanagement. I don't buy the 1% wolf predation. I've seen them in action in the Selway Bitteroot wilderness area. They wiped out the moose first. Then the elk. The goats and deer are gone too. It's just sad.
Living in Montana, this is an issue I'm quite familiar with. Though I don't hate wolves, I do not think that they should have been reintroduced. Here's why, elk and other ungulates already have a lot to contend with in today's world. Before settlers came to America, wolves had a useful place. But today with growing infringement on habitat, grizzlies, black bears, cougars, hard winters, hunters, chronic wasting disease, and disrupted migration routes, elk have a lot to put up with. And the moose suffer even more, in addition to lack of low intensity wildfires and logging to produce better browse. I would not ever advocate to exterminate an animal from an ecosystem unless it was invasive; but wolves have many more mouths to feed and much are more successful predators than other competitors. Not to mention wolves are difficult to hunt, so harvest may not be enough to control their numbers since populations have exploded beyond the initial management plan. If it was decided to exterminate wolves from the lower 48 I would not oppose it. Maybe I'm naive but that's where I stand.
The wolves just need to be managed better. At my friend's ranch in Wyoming, they spread little boxes around, that when the coyote or wolf investigated it, it sprang open and shot cyanide in their face. Those darn things are just dangerous. I get that the dogs kill the calves and sheep, but other methods are needed.
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Wolf introduction not reintroduction is a TOTAL catastrophe waiting to happen in CO. We have the largest elk herd in the world and the second largest Mule Deer herd in the world. Once we let them go here, it will be game over for hunters and ranchers. The problem with CO and many other states are that people no longer understand the fundamentals of being a freedom loving American. To have freedom you can not give control to the government. Every time we surrender control to the government we lose freedom. There is no other scenario. The people in favor of wolf introduction are over educated (indoctrinated) people. The problem CO has is the influx of people from states where freedom has been neutered long ago. They are the type that believe that you can give control over to the government and everything will go on as normal. I firmly believe that many people with degrees have actually been brain washed. Without knowing it, of course! Therefore they're not even that intelligent. If intelligence had a test it would include a test to see if people can be taught principles that are false. Those that see through equations that are wrong would be shown to be intelligent. Who gets to write the test, gets to create the narrative, gets to give the write and wrong answers. You see God created wolves to manage prey in the absence of men. Men were created by God to manage prey in the absence of predators. We were given dominion over all the earth and all the animals. Wolves only work in remote corners of the earth where there are few to no people around. That's why God created them. They control prey numbers when men cannot. CO has a lot of people now, and if wolves are introduced, the state will lose hundreds of $millions. No longer home to vast elk and deer herds. Only Liberals (totalitarians) and people who do not understand or appreciate freedom. The writing is on the wall! Should've built a wall around the state.
This guy is hiding in his mom's basement trying to get a reaction out of people. His elementary logic and poor grammar should let us know that we're dealing with someone who is a little special. We should probably take this into consideration before we judge the poor little guy too harshly.
This guy is hiding in his mom's basement trying to get a reaction out of people. His elementary logic and poor grammar should let us know that we're dealing with someone who is a little special. We should probably take this into consideration before we judge the poor little guy too harshly.
No, I deal with stupidity and liars with harsh consideration and intolerance as they are far more dangerous than any wolf.
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At 20K, it sounds like you were over-populated. Biologists in Idaho say that wolves account for less than 1% of the total predation of Idaho elk. While cougars account for the largest predation, at only 2%. Life mortality accounts for the biggest loss, as cow elk have achieved a longer life span, and it has come of age.

How about you let the hunters take care of any overpopulation
At 20K, it sounds like you were over-populated. Biologists in Idaho say that wolves account for less than 1% of the total predation of Idaho elk. While cougars account for the largest predation, at only 2%. Life mortality accounts for the biggest loss, as cow elk have achieved a longer life span, and it has come of age.

you are just a dumb ***
Simply put. Most hunters have never watched the devastating effects of wolves on the ungulates populations. Most hunters don't live were wolves are. Wolves have decimated the elk, deer and moose populations in northern Idaho and Montana. It's easy to sit in your livening room and comment but entail you've watched the effects of wolves first hand your just spouting liberal talking points of coexist and happy trees. The native hunters from these locations were wolves were introduced have been speaking till their blue for years about the first hand Vew of the devastation. Old subject the damage is done. The hunters from Elsewhere who all along have ridiculed us and never stood up for their fellow out of state hunters are finely getting a first hand perspective.
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Ranchers are only interested in their herd numbers, just like RMEF is only interested in elk numbers.

There are more groups out there then just RMEF but those that are pushing for wolves are trying to use the population in Rocky Mountain park and the town of Estas Park to further their agenda same as when they pushed them into Yellowstone. Problem is those parks are a very small area when you look at the rest of the effected region, those wolves should have been sterilized and collared. It only took @1 month for the first pair to leave the park but they were collared and captured on private property and returned to the park only to leave again resulting in the male being legally killed by a rancher, the female had a litter of 6 puppies and were returned to the park again.
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