is the 7wsm dead?

sorry but loaded to the same pressure in the same length barrel and im not buying it.

Today I chronograph ed my standard loads out of my 7 WSM today I have a Brux 26" SS 9" twist bbl. 69grs of Re#19 behind a Hornady 139gr SST produced an average muzzel velocity of 3550 ! I couldn't believe it ? I then shot my 22 auto pistol through the chronograph and it read 1100 fps and that was what it should've been. Then my 45 auto 890 fps so was that ! So thumbs up for Brux bbls !!!!

I know its hard to believe ,I thought there was some thing wrong with my Chrono ,but there wasn't !
allready posted my opinion of that elsewhere. keep in mind too that a chrono graph thats only 5 percent off will only change that 1000 fps reading plus or minus 50fps but will change that 3500 fps load plus or minus 125 fps. bottom line is i use cheap chronys for comparison but never consider the readings off of them wrote in stone. even sunlight differnce day to day to vary them quite a bit. Like you said readings like that are awful hard to believe. Im outside right now looking for flying pigs. ;)
amen to that. Biggest reason the short mags advertise such high velocitys is there loaded to 60000 psi. Load the 300 win or 7mm rem to those pressures and see what you get. Also ive found loading for my buddys 300wsm that when loaded up to max book loads brass life is short. Ive seen his brass fail after only 3 loadings. Now after saying this ill add that i just myself bought a 300 wsm and am thinking on a 7wsm. Why? Because i dont have one and its something new to play with and shoot deer with. I go into it with open eyes though and dont expect my short mag to run with a 7stw!!! To back up snowman there was just an article in handloader where they took the same powder charges and put them in a 300wsm and a 300 H&H (just the case to be the exact opposite of this short case crap) and got about identical velocitys in both. Nope, sorry guys but no magic here.

One problem we have on this forum is custom rifles that may not meet SAAMI spec which can include the WSM.

Your not going to walk in and buy a BRUX barrel 7WSM with 26" long barrel or like my 300WSM that has 26.5" long Kreiger with 1/11.25r barrel twist. We have posted here that post about 338 Edge some the Allen mags.

We always have pretty good mix of poster from both factory and custom and it's an endless argument comparing the two.

Here is Picture of 7WSM that Len has for sell here you might be interested in it

Here is picture of 300WSM

Here is picture of 338Edge
very cool guns Tom but im retired and on a fixed income and have all it can do to buy a 1000 dollar rifle and even that usualy means trading something I allready have. Ive got to ask this though. If those barrels truely do give such higher velocitys wouldnt one in something like 7 rem or 7stw really scream! Im no expert on customs but still have to doubt whether a 2 inch longer barrel even if it is the finest in the world is going to give 300 fps more velocity in anything. Like i said i could be wrong and am surely no expert on this. My gripe if you call it that is guys who think the short mags are something special or magical. It is and was nothing but advertising hype thats been proven to be bs over and over. I think some guys just pull velocity readings out of the air. Or get them off of 75 dollar chronographs that are as realible as the salesman pushing the short mags.:) I havent shot my 300wsm much yet but it seems like it will be a dandy light rifle for woods hunting larger animals as it weights about a lb and a half less then any of my other mag rifles. But like ive said i dont expect magic out of it. Like i said im not here to bad mouth the short mags. I just find it hard to believe someone is getting 300 fps more velocity then allready jacked up numbers that loading manuals list.
very cool guns Tom but im retired and on a fixed income and have all it can do to buy a 1000 dollar rifle and even that usualy means trading something I allready have. Ive got to ask this though. If those barrels truely do give such higher velocitys wouldnt one in something like 7 rem or 7stw really scream! Im no expert on customs but still have to doubt whether a 2 inch longer barrel even if it is the finest in the world is going to give 300 fps more velocity in anything. Like i said i could be wrong and am surely no expert on this. My gripe if you call it that is guys who think the short mags are something special or magical. It is and was nothing but advertising hype thats been proven to be bs over and over. I think some guys just pull velocity readings out of the air. Or get them off of 75 dollar chronographs that are as realible as the salesman pushing the short mags.:) I havent shot my 300wsm much yet but it seems like it will be a dandy light rifle for woods hunting larger animals as it weights about a lb and a half less then any of my other mag rifles. But like ive said i dont expect magic out of it. Like i said im not here to bad mouth the short mags. I just find it hard to believe someone is getting 300 fps more velocity then allready jacked up numbers that loading manuals list.

Lloyd, Factory rifles are limited vs custom. 2" of extra barrel plus maybe change on twist,OAL,special throat,chamber to different type rifling can amount to increase in velocity. I also think what happens your more concerned with the hype trying to prove that it doesn't exist vs someone who build one can could care less about that.

You seen the spec on Len's 300WSM do you honestly thing he's not going to get better velocity than your factory rifle?

What about this one
Matt Kline Shoots 2.815″ Record at 1000 Yards with 300 WSM « Daily Bulletin

I think most build for accuracy first and velocity is what it is. I also think some that may get the magic velocity may burn their barrels out little faster and some of us have done that.
tom that they are accurate im sure not contesting. Or for that matter custom guns being more accurate. thats a given.
tom that they are accurate im sure not contesting. Or for that matter custom guns being more accurate. thats a given.

Lloyd I know what your asking.

The two rifles I post about you look at the accuracy and that was it you couldn't see past that and that those rifles could better than published velocity. You got your mind set on something and I not going to get into a debate with you end of subject.
One thing about short mags, the shorter case can help for seating bullets and still fitting in the magazine. That does help right, the longer bullets do seem more accurate at long range. Even my STW with a Lapua 338 ai mag system only gets to 3.88" oal.
dont take this all wrong. Nobody is calling you a lier. I still have to wonder though if muzzle flash might be giving false readings or if the light conditions effected it.
I guess what id try to verify it is to do it again on a warmer day and move your screans another 5 ft away. Maybe youll prove us doubters wrong.
I have not been following this thread just dropping by because I'm a fan of 7MM WSM and just for comparision I shoot 180 bergers 65.1 r22 COL 2.992 26" 1:9 Bartlien, my Ohler chrony
shows the the avg 2993 and its bee very accurate.

Have a nice Day
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