300 WSM, Is the M70 dead?

Right out of the box mine did this with a load that wasn't even worked up for this rifle (new M70 Ultimate Shadow in 30-06)


Last week, after I adjusted the trigger down to about 3 lbs. and added just a little overtravel, and with a different scope (thinner crosshair)

It shot 2 groups in a row (only fired 7 rounds that day...it was hot) that measured .467" MOA....I shoulda took a picture, but I was in too much of a hurry to get back to the AC.
Nothing to complain about there! I have had great experiences with just about all my Model 70's. new and old. All of them needed a little trigger work and one required bedding, but overall, they have been excellent. Probably why I always look to Winchester..
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