Is the 7mm WSM dead?

The reason people are necking the 270 or 300 WSM brass to 7mm is because both of those are way more available than the straight 7mm WSM, the dimensions are different on the 7mm WSM to prevent it being chambered in the 270 WSM. 7mm WSM can be formed from the other two, but it is a bit more work to do than just necking the other two to 7mm. The 7mm WSM has a higher capacity than the other two variants because of the shoulder being pushed forward (which also prevents chambering in the 270 WSM).

They are great rounds, but the dimension changes have pretty much doomed the straight up 7mm WSM unless a brass manufacturer decides to bring it back

I think you are missing the point of the above post. At least one poster says that the 7-300WSM has more case capacity than the 7mm WSM or is better than the 7mm WSM, and is therefore a different chambering altogether.
I think you are missing the point of the above post. At least one poster says that the 7-300WSM has more case capacity than the 7mm WSM or is better than the 7mm WSM, and is therefore a different chambering altogether.

Not really, as JE Custom has stated a couple time, and you will see if you look at the specs for each, the 7mm WSM has More capacity than the 7-300WSM or the 7-270WSM, but those two have More brass options due to the higher popularity of the 270 and 300WSMs which the 7mm use for a parent case.

The only reason people are going to the 7mm-300 or 7mm-270WSM is for more and higher quality brass options, there is quite a bit of confusion going on as to the 7-300WSM vs the 7mm WSM.

To be clear my post was not referencing yours SideshowBob, I was referencing the couple above yours saying that the 7-300WSM has more capacity (it does not), and that the 7-300WSM is the same as the 7mm WSM, which as you know and have pointed out Is not the same.
Ooops! It is not dead yet. I just bought 250 pieces of new Winchester 7mm WSM brass off of Powder Valley for $32.25 per bag of 50. So I'm back in business. I thought that I'd never see this brass again but there it was.
Yeah, I placed an order for 200, got a conformation email and everything. They called about 2 hrs after I placed the order to inform me that they could not complete the sale. They were out
This brass thing is is exact reason Ivenever built a 7wsm. I still want one BAD. Guess I'll settle for a 7-300wsm.

Have you guys checked Huntintons Die Specialties. They have a lot of hard to get Norma brass.
This is super easy to do.

Heck, loaded Win ammo is not much more than what once fired brass is selling for.

I don't get all the belly-aching about lack of brass.

Yes I agree and with added case capacity it is a lazer beam. Go with it or don't but it is far from DEAD! Love mine and is worth it, period!

Kinda like saying the 6mm Rem is dead, I think NOT! 7WSM is the king of its class. You think its dead send me to another 284 bore that hits 3300 with 140 bullets that reaches it in a carry weight (7lb) 24" barrel! IMO best 600 yard setup there is. Class is open.
I think a few reasons why some people prefer the 7-300 WSM over the 7 WSM not because of brass availability but because they have longer necks which gives you more versatility on seating vld & non vld bullets to the lands and it helps with throat life, also they have a little less case capacity making them slightly more efficient which would help the throat life aswell
Fireform 270 or 300WSM Norma brass to 7mm, done - 7mm WSM Norma brass

270WSM brass needs to be necked up to 30cal, then necked down to 7mm leaving a false shoulder on the neck in the correct position necessary to keep the shorter case held tightly against the boltface in a 7WSM chambered rifle. Then it can be fireformed.

I've done it and it's a PITA. The vast majority of shooters would prefer to just order properly fitting brass with the correct headstamp on the case head. If no such brass is available from any manufacturer, it will greatly reduce the number of shooters opting for the 7WSM over other cartridges that have quality brass readily available.

I really enjoy the 7WSM but in all practicality it won't do anything that other very similar cartridges can't do.

Dead?? Not yet, I'm still hopeful that brass will become available and hopefully it will be produced by Lapua, Norma or Nosler. One good run and I'll buy enough brass to outlast my next barrel. :D
A false shoulder is one way, but you can also control headspace during fireforming by jamming the bullet into the lands, which simplifies the use of .270 WSM brass. But I'll opt for .300 WSM brass every time because a false shoulder is ideal in headspace control, and is a simple neck down far enough down the neck until the case chambers firmly.
I've got a 250 on backorder with Powder Valley, whenever that gets filled I'll order my rifle. Hopefully now after the election it'll get this ammo craze back on an even keel.
This is an older post that doesn't want to go away, And for a good reason.

I personally looked at all of the options on brass availability of the 7 WSM and chambers to replace it
If I shot out my barrel or ran out of 7 WSM head stamped brass. I even tried a few of the other WSM cases in the 7 WSM chamber.

It is very easy to load and shoot 300 or 325 WSM brass in the 7 WSM. Simply size the neck down to 7mm and leave the neck .004 shorter to support the case with the proper head space and shoot. If done correctly you can fire form and hunt at the same time with very good accuracy.

All of the WSM cases are the same case overall length and fire forming is easy.

If you want a wildcat you do this buy head spacing the chamber to the parent case (Like a 300 WSM)
and size the neck to 7mm. This will not require fire forming but you will lose some case capacity and velocity.

If I ever have to re barrel my rifle, I will chamber it in 7 WSM and use available WSM brass. (Simple)

In my experiences you can form/use brass from other cases to form most cartridges. The only downside is that the case head will have a different cartridge designation than the chamber and will have to be fire formed.

I personally don't think the 7 WSM is dead because it is a very good round and most people that have it will do what is necessary to keep shooting it.

Just my opinion

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