"inexpensive" 2000 yd target rifle

Inexpenive 2000 yard shooter.

The only thing that comes to mind is a 30/06...

There's a fellow down under that has 2 hits on a 24" gong at 2800 yards if I recall...

Very affordable and challanging for those that choose to push the limits...

A good spotter and chase the ever changing winds...

$0.80 per shot,,, Cnd funds on top of that,,, $0.68 Usd
I've since read up on 2,000 yard shooting so... given my 6.5 CM Ruger Precision rifle experience, for 2,000 yards I'd buy the Ruger Precision Rifle in .338 Lapua magnum. But 1,100 yards with my 6.5 CM loads is enough for me at the moment.

I may try a further distance with my 6.5 PRC Browning X-Bolt Pro just to see how it does. But that would be with a hand loaded 153 gr. Hornady A-Tip, max of 5 (slow) shots to keep that skinny barrel from getting too hot.

Eric B.
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Dont waste your time Earnie they dont kill they just talk![/QUOTE

G'day longranebo
What exactly are you getting at , and please explain what the blazes your statement means, that your better than anyone else on here because you KILL !!!!!
What sorta scope , aim point or sights have you got on your keyboard !!!
300 PRC. Look at some Youtube explanations of this cartridge.

The US army chose it for their new Barrett MRAD sniper rifle for good reasons. And they worked with Hornady during its development.

Eric B.

The us military adopted the 300 prc bc they had extra money to blow and if not spent they just
Loose it. Also the military doesn't have to worry about brass availability or how many loads you can get on a crappy soft piece of hornady brass.
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Well on behalf of my old friend Bo, let me try to explain what he meant.
There is a major difference between accuracy, as in hitting a target where you aimed, and lobbing lead to great distances because your scope setup allows you to do that.
We can sit in the stands watching runners compete, and pick out the best runners. That's not to say the others wont finish the race, but it does mean they wont be winners.
Likewise you can sit on a mountainside, and by using the type of great tripod mounted optics Bo has, you can pick the winners and losers as they fly across the wide valleys on way to the target. The further away the target is, always means the ones having the most powder will always win, its just that simple.
Now if we enjoy creating a sport out of seeing who among the losers might win a target match given a chance to do so, could be a different subject.
But guys like Bo whose only interest in all this is hunting, will only have but 2 weeks in a whole year in which to do that.
So the fact that conditions aren't really suitable today for the lesser cartridges, might also mean those conditions might last for his entire season.
Ask any experienced L/R hunter, regardless as to where he lives or hunts, about his opinion on using a 300 Win mag for extreme distance hunting or shooting, and see what answer you get.
And fact is, the sign over the door of this site says Long Range Hunting.
So it only stands to reason you will get negative reactions to these type of topics.
Well on behalf of my old friend Bo, let me try to explain what he meant.
There is a major difference between accuracy, as in hitting a target where you aimed, and lobbing lead to great distances because your scope setup allows you to do that.
We can sit in the stands watching runners compete, and pick out the best runners. That's not to say the others wont finish the race, but it does mean they wont be winners.
Likewise you can sit on a mountainside, and by using the type of great tripod mounted optics Bo has, you can pick the winners and losers as they fly across the wide valleys on way to the target. The further away the target is, always means the ones having the most powder will always win, its just that simple.
Now if we enjoy creating a sport out of seeing who among the losers might win a target match given a chance to do so, could be a different subject.
But guys like Bo whose only interest in all this is hunting, will only have but 2 weeks in a whole year in which to do that.
So the fact that conditions aren't really suitable today for the lesser cartridges, might also mean those conditions might last for his entire season.
Ask any experienced L/R hunter, regardless as to where he lives or hunts, about his opinion on using a 300 Win mag for extreme distance hunting or shooting, and see what answer you get.
And fact is, the sign over the door of this site says Long Range Hunting.
So it only stands to reason you will get negative reactions to these type of topics.

Totally lost me
My view of this post is it's WAY off topic
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