"inexpensive" 2000 yd target rifle

just heard about mags that are supposed to hold 3.800 + n womdering

i end up barely getting past 1800 before trans with 28" .. not enough testing with it yet. i actually dont know oal but i think its coming in at 3.635 ..
How are the Ivey rings working out for you? I've kicked around the idea of getting some for one of the 338 SnipeTacs so I can dial a little farther without holding over. Right now the the rifle can dial to 2600 yards and the pistol out to 2400 yards but it would be better if I could adjust the base and not have to max out the adjustments in the scope. I'm a little concerned about durability on all of the adjustable rings/bases.
this is suppose to replace my mk13 navy SEAL sniper rifle.
26.5 lilja 1/10, chamber reamer is called navy, 220 smk at 3.5" when i chamber that is exactly what i got 3.500.
but i can use non usa powder and bergers. 230 worked out to 3.6xx and 2913 with rl26.
that had a custom chamber, but not a match chamber.
so this has my 300 win mag match chamber but throated long...3.82. bbl was suppose to be 28 but i screwed up and the fix cost me most of an inch.
i am shooting at 4000 plus feet..it helps.
no need for mags in a 5 shot match.
just heard about mags that are supposed to hold 3.800 + n womdering

i end up barely getting past 1800 before trans with 28" .. not enough testing with it yet. i actually dont know oal but i think its coming in at 3.635 ..
honestly do not know.
will shoot and clean for 3 shots to get some base data, then send the bbl out for coating. this will not be truly finished in time for the june match, so i will use the mk13 with just a 5.5-22x56 with lots of vertical cranked in...75 plus.
my 338 edge is still in work and it has a 7-35x with 100 moa vert.

How are the Ivey rings working out for you? I've kicked around the idea of getting some for one of the 338 SnipeTacs so I can dial a little farther without holding over. Right now the the rifle can dial to 2600 yards and the pistol out to 2400 yards but it would be better if I could adjust the base and not have to max out the adjustments in the scope. I'm a little concerned about durability on all of the adjustable rings/bases.
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honestly do not know.
will shot and clean for 3 shots to get some base data, then send the bbl out for coating. this will not be truly finished in time for the june match, so i will use the mk13 with just a 5.5-22x56 with lots of vertical cranked in...75 plus.
my 338 edge is still in work and it has a 7-35x with 100 moa vert.

Please post your results after you've had a little time with them.

I wanted to get over to the June match with one of my pistols but just can't get the time off work; would have been a good time.
so did a 3 shot shoot and clean.
cleaned easy.
did 68/68.5/69 just to see where i was with this long round.
looks like i can make 2800 or very close with rl26, and 2900 with n570. end velocity will be based on accuracy.
nothing blew up/nothing fell off. bore sighted at 50 scoped zeroed in 2 shots.

honestly do not know.
will shoot and clean for 3 shots to get some base data, then send the bbl out for coating. this will not be truly finished in time for the june match, so i will use the mk13 with just a 5.5-22x56 with lots of vertical cranked in...75 plus.
my 338 edge is still in work and it has a 7-35x with 100 moa vert.
you appear to be a keyboard shooter.
i have little use for " all hat and no cattle"
if you read, you will see i have no problems with the ballistics nor the distance.
leave florida. come to montana and see for yourself.

gonna be on the ignore list here just like on savage shooters
life is too short to deal with idiots

I believe I said the same thing as my friend Bo just did over on the Savage site. lol
He has been watching them fly too long to believe any of that b s also.
you appear to be a keyboard shooter.
i have little use for " all hat and no cattle"
if you read, you will see i have no problems with the ballistics nor the distance.
leave florida. come to montana and see for yourself.

gonna be on the ignore list here just like on savage shooters
life is too short to deal with idiots
Dont waste your time Earnie they dont kill they just talk!
if you read my signature lines,
i am very clear what i do.
you and your "friend".seem to do well
on a keyboard..only.

Child idiots ??? My Buddy and I have been doing this a long time I am 72 and He is in his 80s You cant ******** us! And not behind a keyboard either!
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