"inexpensive" 2000 yd target rifle

Yes'er the longer bullets fly so nice...

The oldest school 300 Winchester Mag comes to mind when I think inexpensive,,, could a person luanch a frugal Hornady 178gr ELD-M out that far,,, maybe,,, of course the 200+++ grain and larger """might""" improve the odds of getting into the V ring out of 15 or 20 shots...

This isn't saying that lots of other cartridges couldn't pull this off...

I see lots of threads and articals on the 300 Win Mag... There something about it that catches my fancy...

A 10 to 12 lb classy to keep it planted,,, a mid core optic and quality trigger along with solid bypod and firm bunny ear rear bag...

Oh Yha,,, land cannon fore sure
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