OK, so tomorrow (Friday) morning at OH-dark hundred, the Packrat and company consisting of the Packrat, his Lady, a Beagle and a Maltese mix will be leaving this fine state of Arizona and going slumming, mainly in Texas for at least 3 weeks! The trip will go from here to the other side of Texas to Houston, on to New Orleans for a couple of days or maybe a week, back to Houston, then up to Amarillo by way of San Antonio. From there on it's a wild donkey guess, but for sure New Mexico, then maybe Denver, maybe not, and then back to gods country here in Arizona where there are no Earthquakes, Tornado's, Hurricanes, Fleas, Chiggers or Ticks, for a well earned rest.
One advantage to being retired, is the schedule is as flexible as we want it to be. We can stop, start or just lay back and veg, at our choosing. The only thing we are missing out on is Hog hunting at the ranch this trip, but are already planning the next trip just for Hog hunting! Not even taking any of the hunting rifles with us this time. Just our personal CCW weapons, plus a .22 pistol, 2 ea 9 mm, and my competition .45. Never know when we will get a chance to go shooting, or if offered the opportunity, get involved in a local war or something.
Since I gave my laptop to my Lady friend's daughter for College, I will be checking in sporadically, which will make some of you very happy, (DJ), and others of you may be going through withdrawals. For those of you going through withdrawals, my suggestion is to go back to the start of the thread, and while reading through the pages, each night drink at least a Six pack of your favorite libation. While it won't make you miss me any less, after about the 5th Beer, and 10 pages, you'll be wondering why you are missing that SOB Packrat!
If this doesn't work and you are still besotted with that wonderful guy named Packrat, and you are not a Lady, you are hopelessly infatuated, and I suggest you dump your current lady, come out of the closet, call your parents or other relatives with the news, put on some clean underwear and head to the nearest Gay Bar! I would guess you are in for a learning experience.
There isn't anything I am going to do to encourage you any further, cause I don't swing that way! Sorry!
For all of you regular posters, you'll have to keep DJ on the straight and narrow. Don't let him get by with his usual Cr*p! Make him post some pictures. He started this thread, he can contribute to it! Keep up the thread and post some pictures now and then.
I'll try to come by every couple of days or so. If not, Carry on!
My mother always told me to wear clean underwear in case of an accident. The only accidents I ever had were in my clean underwear!