The only other hog rifle worth noting, is a Remington 700 VTR, in .308 which has a long story behind it and resulted in Remington giving me a brand new rifle because of manufacturing defects. Maybe some other time.
Freedom is not free! It needs to be refreshed with the blood of corrupt politicians periodically!......Packrat 6, 2019
Well, since DJ didn't hunt last night because of being under the weather, Guess I'll tell the story of a brand new Remington 700 VTR (Varmint Tactical Rifle) that ended up with Remington giving me a brand new rifle for free!
For those not familiar with the rifle, mine is the Remington 700 in .308 with the triangular barrel. Yep Triangular! I had heard about the rifle from others and how accurate it was and was kind of curious about it so when an acquaintance called up and said he had one, but neither him, or the original owner had been able to get the rifle to hit on paper, I told him to bring it over and we'd see what we could do with it. Well, when he brought it over, he was so frustrated with the rifle, he just wanted to dump it, so I worked him a trade for something I had and started playing with the rifle.
Since it didn't come with sights, but was set up for a scope, I figured I could, if necessary, put a set of Burris ***-Align offset inserts and have a nice, almost new, rifle for about the equivalent of $300.00 in trade. Well, sometimes thinking you are smarter than the average bear doesn't work out. I put the rail on, then zero'd the scope and got everything torqued down to spec and even with the offset rings at their maximum offset, and the scope adjustment maxed out, could not get the barrel and the scope to come into alignment. After futzing with it off and on for about 2 days, I finally took everything off, put the rearmost rail screw in about halfway and put a loop in a piece of 3# mono fishing leader and stretched the line to the end of the barrel and centered on the other rail screw holes. The mono stretched out tight was almost off the barrel. By time it reached the end of the barrel the line of holes was almost 2 cm out of line with the barrel. If it had been a round barrel, it would have been completely off the barrel! With the wide part of the triangular barrel at the bottom, it almost was anyway!
I contacted Remington, explained that I was the 3rd owner of the rifle and that while i knew their warranty only covered the first owner, no one had been able to get it on paper. I explained what I had done, and what I found and they said to send it back and they would send me a shipping box, shipping paid and take a look at it. When talking to the customer service rep, I got the impression that this may have been a problem with more rifles than this one. I typed up the circumstances, boxed it up and about 3 weeks later received a brand new VTR shipped direct from Remington. And once broken in, it is a sweet shooter!
The only reason I don't use it more is that when hunting hogs, I prefer a semi, since it allows faster shots after the first shot and the sounder scatters. For long range precision shots though, it's a keeper.
Am I upset with Remington for drilling those holes wrong? Heck no! Everyone screws up now and then, but it is the way that it is handled once the screw up is found that makes you a winner. Would I buy another Remington? Heck yes!
I do feel sorry for the original owner, whomever he was, because he paid full price for something that didn't work for him. I don't know why he didn't contact Remington.
OK, killed some time and maybe djones went hunting tonight, so maybe some hog pictures tomorrow!
Freedom is not free! It needs to be refreshed with the blood of corrupt politicians periodically!......Packrat 6,