Not sure he was talking to me but I'm sure I did something wrong at some point. Lol
It was DJ!
Not sure he was talking to me but I'm sure I did something wrong at some point. Lol
Not sure he was talking to me but I'm sure I did something wrong at some point. Lol
i understand. i'm like the village idiot. every town has one.
hope you don't expect me to post all the hogs i've kilt since i took an lrh vacation. i'll pirate someone else's just to keep it innersting.
scrmblr, there is a trick to getting so close! You have to smell like a hog, then they don't panic. Heck they probably snort "welcome to the neighborhood" to him. After all the time he spends with pigs, I'm sure he has the language down pat!]
dr. admin pm'ed me and confirmed y'all were the screwups. he doesn't have time to constantly monitor ur kindergarten antics so is in the process of making me a moderator. then ull be sorry!!!
OinK is shooting a similar scope, only in white hot. i try not to watch his vids. it's like watching a crappy golfer... they can mojo you if you look too long.
yessir... AND have a way with the wemmin i mite add!!
too cold last nite. maybe have some new kill vids by tmrw
[/QUOTE]scratching my head on this one. buddy musta mojoed me. but whatever isn't in the pic at least is carrying some of my lead around.\