" QUOTE " Let's see if I got this correct; They've been wandering in from Canada for 25,000 years, but forgot how, and needed to hitch a multi-million dollar ride from the USFWS.
Whose BS'ing who?
OK you wanna be a smart *** about this Lets go for it,
!) It would not have cost anything if WE as Hunters had not wiped them all out in the first place.
2) The USFWS have put in alot of money to bring back these Animals and that Money has come from Hunters and the likes fees.
3) It was Hunters and Trappers who wiped out these Animals because of the Money they could make Hunting and Traping.
4) So it is only right that the Money should come from the Source that caused the Problem in the First Place.
5) What WE as Hunters have to do is Stop being So Defensive about things and try being a bit More Honest about the Facts, Answer me this,,, IF I go and kill some one ( By What ever means ) Should YOU be the one who has to pay the Cost ( IE Go to Jail or Worse ) Answer NO and by Hunting WE become part of the Herritage Past and Pressent and how WE conduct our selves has a Huge effect on how History and people see us as Hunters along the Restrictions that are Placed upon us,
So going back to the Millions of Dollars that have been invested, The Hunters of the 1900s +/- a few years all but wipped out alot of the great herds and by the 1930s the last wolf was all but Gone Untill 1995 when they were re introduced. On here and many other places we read about how the Elk and Moose etc are nearly all gone and the Blaim is being put on the Wolf and yes they do kill alot of them, But back 200 years ago the the Great Herds could be seen for miles but now you need a scope or a Helicopter to see them. You cant blaim the Wolves for that because they were not around for over 55 years+ Now the Elk and Moose etc along with the Wolves managed to Survive for over 25000 years so much so they became the Great Herds. Now if the Wolves could not wipe them out in the past 25000 years then you need to see the bigger picture and that Blaim belongs to us, And as a Hunter I am part of the cause.
Now the Wolf would not have to hitch a ride at all if there was not a Bounty put on their heads in the first place and that Bounty was collected by those Hunters of the Past, So we as Hunters have to Pick up the Tab for our Past and that is done through the USFWS.
The facts are engraved in Stone.
There's so much BS in this post that hip boots just won't cut it.
The wolves were removed for the most part from the lower 48 for a reason, nobody could have anything because of them. Pretty much the same reason that buffalo were slaughtered. If you want to raise beef and sheep to feed and clothe the rest of the country that just isn't compatible with vast herds of buffalo or a plethora of wolves.
Now the big difference between the reintroduction of elk and moose with Hunter/Fisherman/Trapper dollars and reintroduction of wolves is that most H/F/T's were in favor of reintroducing elk and moose, while NONE of them I have ever met that lived in* an area where wolves were being reintroduced were in favor of it.
It took us a hundred years using traps, poison and bounties to get rid of them the first time, and now some imbeciles go and transplant more. Just goes to show you that people don't learn from experience.
*That caveat put in because a few so-called hunters like yourself, who live somewhere else think it would be cool to reintroduce wolves in some area not their own back yard. Where they don't have to deal with the headaches, but can have that warm and fuzzy feeling inside knowing that 'the wild wolf once again howls in the night.'