Don't take it personal. You said it yourself "may differ than yours"My application & yours may differ. My implementation & yours may differ. My Experiences with 6mm ARC has offered extremely good results going on 4 years now. Seems our experiences differ.
FWIW 87 gr Absolute Hammer & Hornady 90 gr CX have been the Monolithic projectiles, I have used in the 6mm ARC to good effect thus far. Suppose no reason to change.
Seems I may not be allowed in the anti 6 camp
The problem on topics like this is that most who are in support of one side or the other cannot just accept that there are people who do not agree with you because their experience is opposite. There are no right or wrongs, there are just your experience.
You couldn't pay me to use copper because I have and they fail. You like them because they check your boxes!