How old are you? How old do you FEEL?

69 .... 6'4" 265 that needs to be 250 this fall for elk/muley hunt. Complete rebuild of right shoulder in 12/2018 all 4 rotator tendons, bicep tendon displaced by a bone cyst, bone spurs torn labrum. Other that that it was in perfect shape. Still killed nice buck with bow, painful but made it happen. Both eye lens replaced with artificial inner oculars lens in 2012 and best thing that I ever did now that I have 20/15 distance vision. Can see thru scope, binocs, animals in distance and so on. Cataracts were awful and glad I had the lens procedure. Severe spinal stenosis and severe spinal arthritis is a daily pain deal but I live with it. Trekking poles have become absolutely necessary and gave me 4x4 ability for climbing and going thru rough stuff. Highly recommend.

Horse stuff probably did in my shoulders from doing all the stupid things you think are fun as young man. Farrier for a while, rode gymkhana and rodeo. Team roping, bull dogging (what the hell was I thinking?), saddle bronc once which is all I needed to convince me I was too ---- big for that!
You sound like me. You are built for Bull dogging .Any calf roping?
I am too old to step on a outlaw bronc, old enough to outrank most in hunting camp. The perfect age for a good scotch whiskey and creekwater. I borrowed that from JOC. Cheers
morning, one shot markers mark, wild turkey liquer, ketel voka
and tagouro, sp. liquer mix add ice cubes. one time a week.
George dickel substitute for markers mark. gets real good
when the ice melts. helps with the art. pain.
justme gbot tum
I'm 63, 6' and 200#... As I sit here nursing my thumb with 5 stitches, I have compound fractured my leg, broken 6 transverse process bones in my lower back, broken elbow, broke both big toes, ankle, nose 3 times, cheekbone, ribs, and hand... I think that's it, I have a really good memory, but it's not very long. I haven't been easy on myself. I guided elk hunts for 20 years ( my vacation ), worked in the oil & gas industry for 38 years, cowboy for hire and I'm a sorry team roper! I am an avid coyote hunter as well. What I've noticed the last few years is I'm not as agile as I used to be, aches and pains last longer, it's harder to stay in shape, and the weight is harder to maintain. I'm not cordninuff nated to ride rough horses anymore....!
56 years old and still kicking ***. 5'-10" 185lb. I ride an exercise bike every other day for an hour and I only take vitamins and have perfect blood pressure. I whole heartedly attribute it to the 40+ years of chasing deer in the back country. Still able to solo hunt and pack out entire boned out mature mule deer 7 miles in. It all about mental toughness when you mountain hunt. Just do it... one step at a time...
I am 48. 5'7" 155#. I have a very active job, and live quite an active life as well.
I will out hike my 31 year old son-in-law, 27 year old daughter, and 16 year old daughter (who is very active as well) all day long. I will outpack and out hike my brother and cousin who are 1 year older than me. I will out work guys 15 years younger than me.

But, it is starting to take its toll. Not as durable as I used to be.
24years old, 5"8 and 175lbs. My job isnt a very labor intensive(farm supervisor for the second biggest organic egg producer in the U.S.) but I stay active during the summer. Winter time can put a hamper on my actuveness but I try to do what I can. Very avid dirtbike rider. Mostly enduro riding, but I do ride some track. Hard dirtbike riding will make you feel muscles you didnt know you had. I have a wife and 2 young children so I don't get out and do as much as I like.
I am 48. 5'7" 155#. I have a very active job, and live quite an active life as well.
I will out hike my 31 year old son-in-law, 27 year old daughter, and 16 year old daughter (who is very active as well) all day long. I will outpack and out hike my brother and cousin who are 1 year older than me. I will out work guys 15 years younger than me.

But, it is starting to take its toll. Not as durable as I used to be.

About out hiking the youngsters... Me and my partner have a saying...." They don't make em like they used too..."
I feel right at home here! LOL I'm 37, 5' 8" and 150# but move like I'm 70 and 250#. Too many years working 15-16 hour days and too many "minor" injuries that got ignored for too long have taken their toll. Working with a broken ankle and fractured elbow was a bad idea. So was ignoring all the little aches and pains thinking that I could just "work them out". I probably should have taken those last 5 concussions a little more serious too, I could swear that my shooting gets a little worse after each one!

My body won't let me do much back country or high elevation hunting any more but I can still cover 8-10 miles a day when hunting here in Western WA without much trouble. I hike 3 miles in the woods every day with my dog and typically carry an Eberlestock pack with my rifle stuffed in there just for a little weight, and in case I see a good target of opportunity. :)
I'm 63, 6' and 200#... As I sit here nursing my thumb with 5 stitches, I have compound fractured my leg, broken 6 transverse process bones in my lower back, broken elbow, broke both big toes, ankle, nose 3 times, cheekbone, ribs, and hand... I think that's it, I have a really good memory, but it's not very long. I haven't been easy on myself. I guided elk hunts for 20 years ( my vacation ), worked in the oil & gas industry for 38 years, cowboy for hire and I'm a sorry team roper! I am an avid coyote hunter as well. What I've noticed the last few years is I'm not as agile as I used to be, aches and pains last longer, it's harder to stay in shape, and the weight is harder to maintain. I'm not cordninuff nated to ride rough horses Crap ..don't know what I did here( not a computer guy). Anybody that has cowboyed or worked racehorses etc are usually crooked..crooked back,toes,collarbone,hip, shoulders etc.They don't x-ray good.
But it is good club.
Do any of you folks Century rope?
(For those who don't know, the header and heeler's age together has got to be 100 years to enter)
They can be tough ropings too. Anyways, keep going guys, we get only one good go at this thing in life. This isn't the practice pen. God Bless Antonio M
54. 5'11" 195, I still feel somewhat young, I have a wonderful family that keeps me active. Including a nine-year-old boy that is my littlest buddy. My older children are all blessings and keep me feeling young.
So far I've been blessed with good health, I run about 30 miles a week and stay very active hiking and getting outdoors as much as possible. I'm blessed to live in an area where I can get out on the mountains and enjoy hunting, hiking, fishing, camping and chilling out. This was passed to me from my Father, a great outdoorsman.
I will keep it going as long as my health lets me.
I'm very thankful.
An interesting thread for me and an amusing read as i just hit a milestone in life. I turned 30 a few months ago im 6'5" and 215lbs. As i take stock theres a little more bend in my back. My neck is sore more days than not and my wrist, elbow and shoulder are feeling the effects of hard core fly fishing for 10 or so springs. My hair is thinner and the winter weight doesnt come off as easily as it did last spring. But all things considered though, for a blueish collar guy making a living on my feet i feel pretty good. I still have the energy and ability to chase my son around on the back lot.

As a god fearing man i feel pretty fortunate looking at a few guys i graduated with who we've buried and a few who have been dealt a rougher hand than I.

Im excited to start the next chapter of my life with a career and the ability to head west to hunt and fish some country ive never set foot in. Lord knows im a lucky man
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I will be 60 this year. Veryone tells me i look and move like someone in there 40's. I've been working out and lift heavy for my until I tore up my shoulder again last year. Before that I could bench my weight of 210lbs. Leg press 700lbs.

I've not been very kind to my body. With football, baseball, bull riding, guiding (including running a medium size high speed offshore fishing boat), car and motorcycle accidents. 9 confirmed concussions. Add to that, the list of body parts that have not required stitches is shorter than the list that has been sewn up! Right now I'm 3 1/2 year cancer-free. Something in my lower back makes my left foot feel like it has a sunburn when I'm sitting.

I'm getting ready to start back in the gym. I hope the shoulder healed without surgery again. I know the grim reaper and old age is sneaking up on I'm going to do my best to make both have a hard time catching me!