House fire and gun safes.

Sorry to hear about your home and possessions. The only thing that comes to mind is to put the safe on the lowest level. Fires burn up, not down. I put my Browning safe in the finished side of the basement. It sits on a couple of 4x4s just in case there is a domestic water leak. I have a full French drain system (including backup sumps and pumps) in place that should handle any level of water intrusion, but I'd rather play it safe.
Remember when the firemen start squirting water above they will be pumping 1000's of gallons of water and gravity will force it to drain in the will sit there until some one pumps it out...
My brother has been a Fireman- Fire Inspector for over 30 years he has pretty much seen it all several times over....nothing surprises him....
When he saw that I had put my safe on some 4"x4" in the basement....he told me to put it at least 2' off the floor just to be safe...
When there's a fire the power will be shut off to the house so the firemen will not be electrocuted using water to put the fire out...water will kill a battery back to a pump also....
There's no pump made that can keep up with the amount of water several hoses will be pumping into a house fire....
Man I am very sorry to hear this. Fires destroy hearts worse than anything I believe. Having been around and seen many house fires with safes I have only three deductions. NONE EVER MEET THEIR FIRE RATING AT ALL!!! The only way for them to reduce damage if at all of the contents is have them near an outside wall for reduced heat. Open them immediately and get the firearms soaked in diesel to increase chance of saving!! The only thing I have seen resist damage to contents (larger than jewelry) from full engulfed house fires is concrete vaults.
Remember when the firemen start squirting water above they will be pumping 1000's of gallons of water and gravity will force it to drain in the will sit there until some one pumps it out...
My brother has been a Fireman- Fire Inspector for over 30 years he has pretty much seen it all several times over....nothing surprises him....
When he saw that I had put my safe on some 4"x4" in the basement....he told me to put it at least 2' off the floor just to be safe...
When there's a fire the power will be shut off to the house so the firemen will not be electrocuted using water to put the fire out...water will kill a battery back to a pump also....
There's no pump made that can keep up with the amount of water several hoses will be pumping into a house fire..

Good points but you're assuming that the fire would take thousands of gallons of water, pumped over some period of time, essentially a worst-case scenario. Well ... you can't protect yourself from everything, but you can do a few things to increase the odds that your firearms survive. That's what I've done.

Everyone's situation is different, but where I live the fire department responds very quickly. That makes me a bit less susceptible to having a raging fire before the Calvery arrives.

And for those who are the most concerned about a loss, there's insurance for that.
I'm sorry to hear about your loss.
My family and I lost our home two years ago in a fire and I also lost all my guns.

I've been a career firefighter for the last 23 years and I'm sorry to say that I have never seen a safe take a full house fire and save anything in it. Fire rated safes are rated for a time and temp. What the manufactures don't tell you is that rating is only guaranteed if there is active firefighting going on in the immediate area of the safe/house. The only fire rated safes I have ever seen save anything were adjacent to a room or section of building on fire.

When I replaced my safe I bought the safe that provided me the greatest security for theft followed by fire rating.

I'm sincerely sorry for your loss.

There are many factors to consider when buying a safe that has a fire rating---pretty common knowledge. what many folks do not consider is and yes not everyone has this ability however--location. I am very lucky to be 3 minutes away from a fire station.

If you are able to locate in alternate areas within your home/garage, think about if you were a fire! What the hell does that mean? I have the safes bolted to the concrete floor on the inside of an outside wall in the garage. Where this is it limits the amount of combustible material vs if the safes were inside of the house surrounded and two have more combustible material above with the 2nd floor plus the roof/attic. Less combustible material plus it the fire will have less dwell time being in this area.

Something to consider when planning your safe or more accurately termed RSC placements. ;)
I am truly sorry for your loss. Fires have always concerned me, but water damage is my biggest concern. My house has a fire suppression sprinkler system throughout. The basement would flood very quickly in the event of a fire. There is really nothing I can do within reason to stop the flooding damage, but given the amount of combustible material in my reloading area, water is better than fire.
Jill and I are trying to put something together for Trappernewt and his family due to the Home fire and total loss.
Please stay tuned for more information.
Len & Jill
We are starting a new Post for Ryan to help him and his family out. There is a GO FUND Me Link.

Glad to know that the most important things in your life are safe.
I would think that the safe room would be the only way to go once you're able to rebuild. Most of us can't really afford that option, but we are still blessed to be able to enjoy shooting sports…..a balancing issue.
I hope that you have good insurance and are able to get back to some sense of normalcy soon. Blessings.
Let's all focus on the Wilson Family.
The Gun Safes and getting the insurance and what you should buy for a safe is all immaterial now.
After Rayn gets his family in a new home and settled in our LRH Group can talk about helping Ryan with some hunting rifles and reloading equipment.
There is a "Go Fund Me" Page set up by family members (watch when adding funds to GoFund-they ask for % to keep the program funning, but you can or not give a % to the GoFund"
There is Rayn's address where you can send a check/MO on the other post.

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