Hornady just got the 300 PRC SAMMI approved

Only a lunatic would argue that Lapua brass is not better. Unfortunately Lapua does not make brass for my favorite cartridges.
The 300 PRC is being pushed by many to compete with the 300 Norma. Fat chance, especially with the Norma having Lapua and Peterson brass.

Whoever is "pushing" this to compete with the 300 Norma is not very smart. It doesn't have the same capacity and it uses a standard .532 bolt face. This case will work a lot better in standard actions than the Norma, but its top line performance will not be the same. It will be in the same ballpark as the 300WM and the 300 Nolser.
I think Hornady brass will hold it back for sure but I am guessing the case capacity will be more than you think. The 30 Nosler is only 3-4 gr water behind the 300 Norma and in most cases the Norma will not push bullets to the node above what the 30 Nosler will. Just because you can push it does not mean there will be accuracy there. I would guess the 300 PRC will be about 2 grains less than the Nosler.

Shot this 5 round group on Sunday with my 300 Norma, 230s at 3100 plus. Reloaded those pieces of brass and primer pockets are like new . Hornady 300PRC brass will not compare , I'll guarantee it , they'll be wrecked after 2 firings 60 fps faster than the 300 WM .
What powder are you using? Which 230? Nice shooting. Custom rifle? The 30 Nosler throated correctly will get there with the right powder but its a little harder in the SAAMI chamber. My two 300 WMs, both custom only went 2900 and 2950 with 27" and 28" barrels. The throat on a SAAMI 300 PRC is long like it should be. I'll put money on it going more than 60fps over the WM with the same bullet. If going full custom in 30 cal it would be very hard not to choose the 300 Norma. Lapua brass would be the main seller for me.
93 grains of RE 33 in a 26" Norma, Berger 230s in a Desert Tech SRS A1. The PRC is certainly promising on paper , but the brass will fail it , just like the 7 LRM.
I may try some 230 Bergers in my Nosler, I tried the 230 SMKs with rl33 but they would not stabilize in my 10 twist so I gave up for now. I have not really seen a need for 230s after watching what the 215s do to game. How do you feel about the temp sensitivity of RL33 with your load?
I may try some 230 Bergers in my Nosler, I tried the 230 SMKs with rl33 but they would not stabilize in my 10 twist so I gave up for now. I have not really seen a need for 230s after watching what the 215s do to game. How do you feel about the temp sensitivity of RL33 with your load?
I'm not sure about the Tempe sensitivity, just got started with RE 33. Velocity is there in spades !
One thing the 300 prc will have going for it is bullet selection. If they can get enough of them out there surely one of the good brass manufactures will make either 6.5 or 300 prc brass and it can be necked down or up from there.
One thing the 300 prc will have going for it is bullet selection. If they can get enough of them out there surely one of the good brass manufactures will make either 6.5 or 300 prc brass and it can be necked down or up from there.

The 6.5 and 300 are different versions of the .375 case. You could probably make 6.5 brass from 300 but not 300 from 6.5 brass. The 300 is a much longer case.
Some of the worst brass I've ever used is hornady. I really wish they would get there crap together with regards to their brass. I've never met a fellow benchrest shooter that used hornady brass if they could help it. Only good thing about it is that its cheap

Never met Dave Tooley then. He took 3rd in heavy gun 2016 1000 yard nationals shooting this case.
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