Hornady just got the 300 PRC SAMMI approved

The description of the PRC cartridges make sense to, if just look at the chamber specs and what was end goal to accomplish. They used the Creedmoor methodology, this why the Creedmoor 6 or 6.5 just work with all bullets. More specifically LONG bullets.

In the video they talk about how because they designed the chamber and the cartridge at the same time its a lot easier to get it to shoot. They say similar to the 6.5 Creedmoor.
With loading my 6.5 Creedmoor that was very much the case. I loaded 50 rounds to do barrel break in and a few to get it close for sighting in. After barrel break in was complete I shot a group and then walked down to the target to make sure I was seeing my hits correctly. The group I shot was .212, this was without any development and right after break in. I literally picked a powder, picked a primer, looked in a load book for a powder charge and went. To me that's pretty nice, call it luck or engineering either way I am a happy camper. My Creed is my play around rifle so I have developed 6 different loads with similar results. The most fun being Rl-26 at 3077 with a 140 Berger. So to my point, if it is their engineering and not sheer luck that all 6 loads have been super easy to develop I applaud Hornady and will likely play with the 7mm PRC when it comes out.
Makes sense, however, im calling bs on the 300 norma mag theory from the video
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What powder are you using? Which 230? Nice shooting. Custom rifle? The 30 Nosler throated correctly will get there with the right powder but its a little harder in the SAAMI chamber. My two 300 WMs, both custom only went 2900 and 2950 with 27" and 28" barrels. The throat on a SAAMI 300 PRC is long like it should be. I'll put money on it going more than 60fps over the WM with the same bullet. If going full custom in 30 cal it would be very hard not to choose the 300 Norma. Lapua brass would be the main seller for me.

Ill take that bet^^^ set up for set the 30POS wont out do the 300 win mag by 60FPS !!!
And I'm really confused on why every one is getting a stiffy about a 8.5 twist barrel and the optimized length of 3.700""!! Who makes a factory mag box that's 3.750" long???..
Most are 3.6 and change give or take or shorter and no one ive seen offers 3.750 Aics mag factory or 3.850 factory internal or DBM!! Ok so now you have a round that is "optimized" @3.700" and no rifles to put it in unless they are "optimized for a longer COAL,,,, but yet everyone always forgets that if you can "optimize" one for 3.700" you can optimize the other for 3.700 or 3.850" and actually compare apples to apples!!! but no one ever likes to do that because well lets face it, then they would actually see that the wheel is still round and doesn't need reinvented,, and in fact when "optimized" apples to apples the old war horse can hold its own against most new comers! Oh and it has probably a 100 different bullets brass ammo combos, 5 or more brass companies backing it by the boat load and more load data than probably any other cartridge made!!
OH and By the way the 230 berger doesn't need an 8.5 twist nor does the 215 … ive shot them in 10 twist past a mile and would put the accuracy against any bullet ran through an 8.5 twist any day!!
And I'm really confused on why every one is getting a stiffy about a 8.5 twist barrel and the optimized length of 3.700""!! Who makes a factory mag box that's 3.750" long???..
Most are 3.6 and change give or take or shorter and no one ive seen offers 3.750 Aics mag factory or 3.850 factory internal or DBM!! Ok so now you have a round that is "optimized" @3.700" and no rifles to put it in unless they are "optimized for a longer COAL,,,, but yet everyone always forgets that if you can "optimize" one for 3.700" you can optimize the other for 3.700 or 3.850" and actually compare apples to apples!!! but no one ever likes to do that because well lets face it, then they would actually see that the wheel is still round and doesn't need reinvented,, and in fact when "optimized" apples to apples the old war horse can hold its own against most new comers! Oh and it has probably a 100 different bullets brass ammo combos, 5 or more brass companies backing it by the boat load and more load data than probably any other cartridge made!!
OH and By the way the 230 berger doesn't need an 8.5 twist nor does the 215 … ive shot them in 10 twist past a mile and would put the accuracy against any bullet ran through an 8.5 twist any day!!
It's hard to compare the build specs of a factory rifle in 300 PRC to the build specs for any other chambering right now since there are no factory 300 PRC rifles out there. It's hard to compare apples to apples when all you have on hand are tangerines.

Any long action rifle that's designed and sold to use AICS pattern mags will take a COAL of 3.700". Where are you finding long action AICS mags that won't take that length? I just picked up a cheap long action Rem 700 stock that had some equally inexpensive Wyatt's bottom metal with a Wyatt's AICS compatible mag and you know what OAL my rounds are at? 3.720". The feed great.
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It's hard to compare the build specs of a factory rifle in 300 PRC to the build specs for any other chambering right now since there are no factory 300 PRC rifles out there. It's hard to compare apples to apples when all you have on hand are tangerines.

Any long action rifle that's designed and sold to use AICS pattern mags will take a COAL of 3.700". Where are you finding long action AICS mags that won't take that length? I just picked up a cheap long action Rem 700 stock that had some equally inexpensive Wyatt's bottom metal with a Wyatt's AICS compatible mag and you know OAL my rounds are at? 3.720". The feed great.[/QUOTE

You didnt actually really really read my post before you posted did you. ??
I did read your post Elk Hunter which is why I pointed out that you can't do an apples to apples comparison. You can't compare a 300 Win Mag built with non-SAAMI spec chamber to a PRC built with a SAAMI spec reamer and call that an equal comparison.

There won't be any meaningful ballistic difference between the 300 Win and a 300 PRC just like there's no meaningful difference between the 30 Nosler and the 300 Win. For a guy who buys factory ammunition to shoot in his factory chambered rifle though, the 300 PRC will be a great option. For everyone else, it's just a different option, not better, not worse. Just different.
I did read your post Elk Hunter which is why I pointed out that you can't do an apples to apples comparison. You can't compare a 300 Win Mag built with non-SAAMI spec chamber to a PRC built with a SAAMI spec reamer and call that an equal comparison.

There won't be any meaningful ballistic difference between the 300 Win and a 300 PRC just like there's no meaningful difference between the 30 Nosler and the 300 Win. For a guy who buys factory ammunition to shoot in his factory chambered rifle though, the 300 PRC will be a great option. For everyone else, it's just a different option, not better, not worse. Just different.
Right it's different. Doesn't mean better or worse. Why folks go to pieces when a new cartridge comes along, boggles my mind?
The claim of "complete powder burn" is questionable?
I prefer my 700LRH/300 RUM as my sole 30 cal but, now there's another high performance, perhaps more affordable option with the 30PRC?
FWIW - i am feeding 300 wby 208 AMAX at 3.715"(corrected typo)COAL out of a factory mark V accumark magazine....... not many hinged floor plate mags comming out in new rifles today. i really like them... guess im old school in that respect. considering rechambering to 300prc after the barrel burns out.....

oh, forgot to add. I like the new chambering/calibers that are being intorduced in factory rifles taking advantage of loading long bullets long and keeping the shanks out of the case to allow more vloume for powder. there is nothing more aggrivating to me than having to push a long bullet way into a cartridge to fit a factory chamber that was designed 50 years or more ago when short bullets were the norm.
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FWIW - i am feeding 300 wby 208 AMAX at 3.715"(corrected typo)COAL out of a factory mark V accumark magazine....... not many hinged floor plate mags comming out in new rifles today. i really like them... guess im old school in that respect. considering rechambering to 300prc after the barrel burns out.....

oh, forgot to add. I like the new chambering/calibers that are being intorduced in factory rifles taking advantage of loading long bullets long and keeping the shanks out of the case to allow more vloume for powder. there is nothing more aggrivating to me than having to push a long bullet way into a cartridge to fit a factory chamber that was designed 50 years or more ago when short bullets were the norm.

I'm a fan of hinged floor plates too, they're getting harder to find! I wish more companies would offer a HFP model with a longer OAL like the Mk V.
OH and By the way the 230 berger doesn't need an 8.5 twist nor does the 215 … ive shot them in 10 twist past a mile and would put the accuracy against any bullet ran through an 8.5 twist any day!![/QUOTE]

It's not necessarily about accuracy. They may be accurate, but that 230 is not fully stabilized and you could be giving up quite a bit of b/c depending on your altitude. Here at sea level even a 215 out of a 10 twist is starting to give up stability and b/c below 2900fps. All of our bigger 30 cals now we build with at least a 9 twist. With a 230...8 is better and Doppler radar is showing the ability to achieve higher than advertised b/c's with faster twists.
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