But…..is it good for heart issues 🤨

what? no anal seepage? that's the worst side effect I've seen on some medicine. the cure is worse than the disease.
I don't know….if we were playing the would you rather game, I think anal seepage is better than your chode necrotizing itself with some gangrene for no reason I can think of.
Big pharma
Werner Herzog Halloween GIF by Arrow Video
And the doctors and hospitals are right there with big pharma. Had to take wife to er back in November, just got the bill and for less than 24 hours there about 9 grand, unbelievable. 2900 for observation and of what. Laid there for over two hours needed to go to restroom, nobody came after hollering. So she unhooked the bp monitor, which should have sit off alarms, but nothing. Didn't see no one till next morning. Other ways they charge for stuff is unbelievably.