Well it isn't hunting but it was fun....

Re: Well it isn\'t hunting but it was fun....

I just got a visual of 9 ft tall Lerch running across the top of the water... while Bill screams from shore RUN FOREST RUN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Im glad I wasn't taking a drink when this page opened... or my monitor may have gotten a bath /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smile.gif
Re: Well it isn\'t hunting but it was fun....

Hey Lerch, I can give you a little advice, stay away from atlantis resort unless money is no object to you. Beautiful place, but expensive as all get out.
Re: Well it isn\'t hunting but it was fun....

I'm pretty sure that is where he is staying. He was talking about some underwater restaurant and what clothes he had to wear to get in for a few days before he left.

I tried to get him to scrap the whole thing, pack up our guns (for those dangerous rockchucks) and some tents and go to the mountains in CO where it's cool!! He didn't seem to think his wife would enjoy that though. He I hope they have a good time. He's been planning this deal for 8 months now!!!
Re: Well it isn\'t hunting but it was fun....

I'd think a shark could find a much more meaty snack that Lerch's skinny @$$!!! All he'd have to do is turn sideways and he'd vanish.
Re: Well it isn\'t hunting but it was fun....

My wife recieved a free trip there with her company as a retreat. All said and done I could have bought a new custom rifle for the same money we dropped at the resort on our FREE trip.
Re: Well it isn\'t hunting but it was fun....

well i am at Atlantis right now and you are right it is expensive as hell!!!!! $6.00 for a bud light, OUCH!!!

Dont you all know that skinny equals aerodynamic underwater, in the ocean i have a BC of 1.45 so I think I can out run ol' jaws!!!! HA HA HA Not real sure what my retained energy is though!!! /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/grin.gif /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/grin.gif /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/grin.gif

take it easy
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