Hornady just got the 300 PRC SAMMI approved

You can look at prints online. Case capacity is usually given as total case capacity. Any time the caliber is larger the parent case will have larger case capacity but it is never all usable. The neck is included in that. The 300 PRC basically keeps the neck length the same and because of this the extra material needed to neck down to 30 cal came from the body. I doubt it cost 1 grain of water capacity and kept the neck the way it should instead of shortening the neck. I did not say it IS a 30-375 I said essentially and for all intents and purposes it is. In my opinion the 30 Nosler is a better case but I would love a 7-300 prc if good brass were available.
I would like to get some of this to fireform and test for my 30/375 ruger imp. I can only hope its better than the 375 ruger brass im using.
It's not nearly as bad as the internet says it is.
Some of the worst brass I've ever used is hornady. I really wish they would get there crap together with regards to their brass. I've never met a fellow benchrest shooter that used hornady brass if they could help it. Only good thing about it is that its cheap
The 300 PRC is being pushed by many to compete with the 300 Norma. Fat chance, especially with the Norma having Lapua and Peterson brass.
I don't see any advantage over similar
30 cal magnums. I would think a slight disadvantage. Due to probably no other brass, ammo and rifle manufactures picking it up.
Wether or not you guys like the cartridge does not change the fact that it is an overall better design than the 300 win mag and even the 30 Nosler. The 30 Nosler case itself is better but it was set up(SAAMI) for 3.4" which makes zero sense in 2017. I will most likely stay with the 30 Nosler especially if Bertram comes through with another brass option but I can easily see the 300 PRC doing well just because I anticipate better factory performance and options. I just loathe Hornady brass but I can speak form experience it didn't hinder the Creedmoor much.
I would agree with the success of the Creed , but there's Lapua brass for it selling like hot cakes. And it's not exactly sending heavy bullets at high velocity.
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