Hornady .338 in ELD-X

@100m touching, will find pics, settled on retumbo with the 285gr. The few longerange shots i did were impressive, first round hits @ 1100m, 1200m and 1300m.
With the 270gr, mine liked retumbo over H1000. Touching @100m, however, soft load @2890fps. Still more work to be done here, want to take up too or around 3000fps. Had a annealing problem, got annoyed, put aside for a while gents....summer coming over here, need to get back out there......and get some more trigger time up.
I don't remember my powder charges with my 338 NM but I've tested RE 22, H1000, and Retumbo. Retumbo definitely has a velocity edge for the 300 grain bullets but the others start to perform better @ 285 grain. I have not yet tested the 250 grain range as I need to use up the weights I have first. I think I was at 83 grains of Re22 and 2850 fps with the 285's out of a 26" barrel.
RL26 with any of these bullets is the answer.

I just finished load development in my 338 RUM with the 270 ELD-X. It turns out the 270 ELD-X wanted to jump in my rifle. Things started getting interesting at .100" off the lands and my final testing concluded at .110" off. Additionally, the Fed 215M primer tested out the best in my combination. Here are the final load specs.

270 ELD-X seated to .110" off the lands
87.0 grains RL26
Nosler case
Fed 215M primer
2965 fps


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