Hornady .338 in ELD-X

just loaded-

Horn 270gr ELD-X
Retumo 97gr
CCI 250
Lapua Case, FF, anneled, FLS
COL: 95.03mm/ 3.741"
Just touchn lands.

Horn 270gr ELD-X
H1000 95gr
CCI 250
Lapua Case, FF, annealed, FLS
COL: 95.03mm/ 3.741"
Just touchn lands.

Will chrono and check accuracy this arvo.
Tagging in, good thread.

Anyone have any results on elk with 225gr (or other) Cutting Edge bullets? Looks to be a great option for the 338 WM.

Horn 270gr ELD-X MV 2935fps
Retumo 97gr
CCI 250
Lapua Case, FF, anneled, FLS
COL: 95.03mm/ 3.741"
Just touchn lands
4rnd gp @100m


Horn 270gr ELD-X MV 2886fps
H1000 95gr
CCI 250
Lapua Case, FF, annealed, FLS
COL: 95.03mm/ 3.741"
Just touchn lands
3rnd gp @100m

My Horn 285gr ELD-M Mv 2889fps
Retumbo 97.5gr
5rnd gp @100m
Am I looking at your groups right, where the 270gr ELD-X is not shooting anywhere near the accuracy of the 280gr ELD-M ?


View attachment 93420
Horn 270gr ELD-X MV 2935fps
Retumo 97gr
CCI 250
Lapua Case, FF, anneled, FLS
COL: 95.03mm/ 3.741"
Just touchn lands
4rnd gp @100m

View attachment 93422

Horn 270gr ELD-X MV 2886fps
H1000 95gr
CCI 250
Lapua Case, FF, annealed, FLS
COL: 95.03mm/ 3.741"
Just touchn lands
3rnd gp @100m

View attachment 93423
My Horn 285gr ELD-M Mv 2889fps
Retumbo 97.5gr
5rnd gp @100m
Still more work to be done, groups were shot in the prone supported (harris bipod) with a butt sand sock. At the moment I have a seating problem due to the 270gr ogive, and my chamber, hence touching lands.

Both the Retumbo and H1000 showed no pressure signs, could go add 1 or 2 grs with H1000, prob add 1/2gr to Retumbo.

As for my 285gr ELD-M load, will leave as is. Need to examine the terminal effects at long range (1000-1400m) on deer. Have had great success on tgts between these ranges.

Was hoping to use the 270gr ELD-X on deer at long range. I believe I can sort the grouping out. More to follow.
I've got some 270's on the way. My 300 Berger EH load shoots sub 1/4 moa. So a great platform to test the accuracy potential of the 270.

I'm very interested to see how your load pans out considering how well your gun shoots the 285 ELD-M.
Past loads, I have had very good results with H1000 and 250gr Bergers. I personally found better performance achieved with 250's than 300's, each to their own. Targeted the Horn ELD range because of the high BC's and design, especially in regards to taking game at long range. The 285 load is similar to my 300 load, however I based the 270 on my 250 loads where more development is needed. I have found H1000 works better with 250's and Retumbo with 285's and 300's.
Still more work to be done, groups were shot in the prone supported (harris bipod) with a butt sand sock. At the moment I have a seating problem due to the 270gr ogive, and my chamber, hence touching lands.

Both the Retumbo and H1000 showed no pressure signs, could go add 1 or 2 grs with H1000, prob add 1/2gr to Retumbo.

As for my 285gr ELD-M load, will leave as is. Need to examine the terminal effects at long range (1000-1400m) on deer. Have had great success on tgts between these ranges.

Was hoping to use the 270gr ELD-X on deer at long range. I believe I can sort the grouping out. More to follow.
Any update on your grouping? I have tried a few options myself with the 270 eldx using retumbo and 7828ssc but am not having any luck with accuracy. I've tried several lengths but no luck. Looking for some direction. Thx!
I got out a couple months ago and dialed in the 270 ELD-X in my 338 RUM. I ended up at 95 grains of RL-33 seated .010 away from the lands. 3-shots touching at 100 yards. 2.7 inche 3-shot group at 1000 yards. Velocity verified from 1000 yard drop at 2865 FPS.
Give RL-33 a try and seat it close.
I pushed them out a little bit more and they are starting to group. I'm at 3.724 now. Chamber is 3.824 but I don't think I can go any further or they won't fit in my detachable mag. I'm up to 94.3 gr of Retumbo.


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Any updates guys. I just picked up a 338 rum with Wyatt's box and trying to decide which bullets to go with. I have h1000 and retumbo
I was leaning towards 250 Berger
It's a hunting weight less than 10lb gun and shots will be 1000 or less
Any update on your grouping? I have tried a few options myself with the 270 eldx using retumbo and 7828ssc but am not having any luck with accuracy. I've tried several lengths but no luck. Looking for some direction. Thx!
@100m touching, will find pics, settled on retumbo with the 285gr. The few longerange shots i did were impressive, first round hits @ 1100m, 1200m and 1300m.
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