Hornady .338 in ELD-X

Thanks. I like the looks of them.
I'm limited to the 240 or 250gr Badlands bullet by 10 twist barrel on my .338
Expect I'll also test run some in .308 and .284
Be nice to know something more about actual on-game performance before diving in...
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my apologies for derailing the ELD-X topic with the Badlands bullets, now back to the 270 gr ELD-X bullet...... got a couple boxes last week and got some bullet porn pics for y'all
338 caliber - jacketed lead core bullets.jpg
I excluded it because that was a jacketed lead core bullet pic, last week I took some line up pics but did not have the 270 gr ELD-X bullet yet
338 Stealth Bomber-f.jpg
I just got done working up a 230 eld-x load for my win mag. I used the same process I use for my match loads. I came up with a velocity node at 2859 for a 24" barrel. ES was 21 and SD was 8. The best seating depth was 20 thousandths off the lands. 3-3 shot groups ended up averaging .65". Wasn't quite what I hoped for, but it was good enough for me. It was about a month late for deer hunting, but I'm going to take it along for hogs in a couple weeks.
has anybody tested the 230gr or 270gr ELd-X yet? Please share your experience...

I ordered a box of the 230's. Haven't put any downrange yet, but initial inspection was not encouraging. It appears Hornady used the 225 SST as the starting point for the design, lengthened the boat tail, changed the tip to the new "non-melting" plastic, and that's it.

I was hoping for a shorter bearing surface and more aggressive ogive. Instead, Hornady went with the same velocity-limiting bearing surface and kept the SAAMI compliant SST ogive shape. The 230 has to be seated deeper in the case than even the 225 SST because of this.

I'm not going to even bother with the 270 ELD-X. I REALLY like a lot of Hornady's other bullets, but they got this one frustratingly, maddeningly wrong. So disappointed!!!
Yes I agree on Hornady ELDX they done a good job on the 200gr and 178 ELDX but the 230 ELDX I purchased some but not impressed. In my 338 Lapua I am staying with the 300gr Berger Elite hunting and H1000.
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