Hornady .338 in ELD-X

Well the 230 might be a sweet spot for the 338 win mag.. I was looking at the options under 250 grains to keep my velocity up, and its pretty much down to Hornady 230 at .616 G1 or the Cutting Edge 225 at .630.
I will probably try both.
Well the 230 might be a sweet spot for the 338 win mag.. I was looking at the options under 250 grains to keep my velocity up, and its pretty much down to Hornady 230 at .616 G1 or the Cutting Edge 225 at .630.
I will probably try both.

You can run the 250 Berger to within 50 fps, or so, of the Hornady 230. You should be able to run the CE 225 to very near 3000 fps, depending upon barrel length.

If your rifle is a Remington 700 or a Winchester Model 70, you will have room to feed the Berger and the CE from the magazine.
Following this thread, I just bought some 270's and am trying a couple different powders, Rl26 and IMR 8133. Trying to get away from RL33 and Bergers
anybody have any new data with the 230 or 270 ELD-X? Mostly curious how accurate they are shooting.
Hornady has load info on their website, I'm going to try out 26 and the 270 gr. Do a ladder test from 85.3 to 88.6 and see what I come up with. I threw some together with 86 gr of 26 and 0.060 off lands and put three touching at 100
Hornady has load info on their website, I'm going to try out 26 and the 270 gr. Do a ladder test from 85.3 to 88.6 and see what I come up with. I threw some together with 86 gr of 26 and 0.060 off lands and put three touching at 100

Great to hear the 270gr is showing accuracy potential. I'm currently shooting the 300 Elite Hunter, but wouldn't mind a bit flatter trajectory with the 270 ELD-X. Won't switch until I'm confident the ELD-X has the same accuracy potential as the Elite Hunter.
Shot a ladder yesterday with 8133, the new IMR Enduron powder. Node looks to be 91.5-92.3 ish. Loaded up 4 each at 91.5, 91.8, 92.0, 92.3, 92.5, 92.8 and 93. Seeing very slight ejector marks at 93 during ladder. 0.015 off lands.
26" barrel
Didn't run my magneto speed as was just trying to find node.
IMR 8133 and 270gr ELD-x.
It looks promising, at 230 yds during ladder I had 89.5, 90.0 shots 3/8" apart and 91.5, 92 3/8" apart and 92.5 just under 1/2" away.

I have a 338AI, have done testing on 285gr ELD-M's with RL33, H1000, and Retumbo. Settled on Retumbo with very good results, however, want to look at the 270gr ELD-X's using H1000 or Retumbo. Have you done any more testing with the 270's?
I don't know about the 270's but the 285 M's are touching or in the same hole for me.
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