Help: First Ladder what

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What's a reasonable MOA and ES on a 300wm? It's on a non, adjustable EH1, I'm sure I could shoot slightly better on a chassis. Need a new rear bag too, I'm stable on this, but could be better.

Folks shooting 300wm in .25 moa from a hunting rig? Just not sure what my realistic goal is
I think and of the seating depths above would work. But, IIWE, I'd take the .010 and call it good. I tend to load closer to the lands with Bergers anyways.
What it's the max distance you plan on shooting on the hunt? If, it's inside 500~600 yards, I'd start working on my zero and dope.

Hunting, 600, maybe 7 if I can get confident there in time. But would like it to shoot out to a mile on steel. My goal isnt just a 600 yard hunting rifle, I could do that with an RPR and factory ammo
If that yardage is your goal I would get out to the yardage you plan on hunting or as close as you can.
Sorry, I, and maybe some others, though the pressing need was for an accurate load for a fast approaching hunting trip...

It's a bit of both. I'l have time to tinker a bit more after hunting season, for now I've got about 4, maybe range trips left before then (12 Oct)

Based on that, does that change your thoughts on where to go from here.

Sherm, will shoot whatever I load up next at 500. Once I get a load closer to what I like, i'll run it out to 1k to verify.

Problem here is I've got about 2 hours of shooting each morning before the wind picks up

My velocities today were up 15fps on average over my ladder test at 77gr, putting me more towards the speeds i saw at 77.5gr. Thinking maybe 76.8 gets me back closer to that node? Barrel speeding up slowly? I'm at 75 rounds on it now, or maybe it as the 10deg warmer temp?
Your not gonna shoot 600 or 700 yards without an accurate load. I would do any further testing as close to those distances as possible and see were you end up if your satisfied you can make clean kills with the load then run with it if not then get closer.
Sorry, I, and maybe some others, though the pressing need was for an accurate load for a fast approaching hunting trip...

that what i was thinking too ,

i think the mile goal can wait until your hunting is over ?? , i think you might find the 230 target a better choice bullet as long as you can get close to 2800
Am I more concerned with the horizontal string in these seating depths tests, or vertical too? And vertical more an ES/charge factor? Or want the seating depth that groups the best in the combined?
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Had to run back out and shoot .2 increments around was bothering me.

Now I'm getting slightly frustrated. I'm not this bad a shot, these all felt extremely stable.

100, indoors. Was planning to take the winner out and run it out to 800 or so. Now I'm not sure what to do...start over? Anything to check on the rifle? Scope was mounted and torqued by a pro shooter. Barrel isn't contacting stock (dollar bill), brake isnt loose, etc

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It seems to have two distinct groupings that repeat themselves. Might be the action moving in the stock under recoil. Maybe could be the scope too.
Rifle was shooting better than that at 500 yards the other day...
Will check the torque on the action.

Scope was mounted and torqued by the guy who made the rings, I couldnt do a better job myself.
Groups were always left this morning at 300 too...I would adjust between groups and they kept going left....same thing tonight at the range...

Something in my technique? I'm always off target to the left post recoil too, but as far as I can tell i'm square behind the rifle, loaded but not overly loaded bipod, steady light pressure back with grip and the most consistent trigger- squeeze/follow through I can do
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Head position/parallax causing you to consistantly be off to the left? If I were you I would concentrate on my body position. The group @77.0g/.010 off would be excellent IMO if you could figure out what is causing the vertical stringing. I'm far from being an authority on this stuff but my guess regarding the stringing would be either inconsistant charge weights or neck tension variations. Good luck and keep trying! You are getting really close.
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