Hello from Spain! Questions about a Bergara B-14 HMR 6.5 creedmoor

I have a lot of experience with RS60 in the 6.5 Creedmoor, (which is the same powder as RL17 that many guys use in the USA). It's a fast powder, but with good pressures and I have used it on 123gr up to 140gr bullets, and achieved excellent groups (below 1/2 inch).
Getting to around 2800 fps with a 140 gr bullet, or 3000 fps with a 120/123gr bullet should not be a problem.

Hi again, and for 147 grains bullet? is it ok rs60? what do you think? Im going to use Hornady ELD M 147 grains
I don't think you will have any problems with RS60 and 147 grain bullets.
or 143gr ELD-X bullets,
Reload Swiss recommend a Minimum of 33grain and a Max of 41grains, using RS60.
So, for 147gr ELD-M bullets, you could probably start around 33gr-35gr and go up to maybe 40gr of RS60.
You just have to start low and work-up carefully.
Hi again guys.

I was checking my loads following your advice and using Hornady ELD M 147grains. I got the perfect load that is 40.5 grain of RS60. I performed trials using: 40.0 40.2 40.4 40.5 40.6 40.8 41 and 41.5.

Now I have to check the cartridge overall length. I used till now 39mm of COL. Did you performed trials changing the length in my rifle? Bergara B14 hmr 6.5 creedmoor?

Thanks so much in advance
Hi again guys. I was checking my loads following your advice and using Hornady ELD M 147grains. I got the perfect load that is 40.5 grain of RS60. <SNIPPED STUFF> Now I have to check the cartridge overall length. I used till now 39mm of COL. Did you performed trials changing the length in my rifle? Bergara B14 hmr 6.5 creedmoor? Thanks so much in advance
Here is the advice from Berger bullets on finding the best seating depth for a TARGET load (not hunting.)
"Trying to find the COAL that puts you in the sweet spot by moving 0.002" to 0.010" will take so long the barrel may be worn out by the time you sort it out if you don't give up first.

Since the sweet spot is .030" to .040" wide we recommend that you conduct the following test to find your rifle' sweet spot.

Load 24 rounds at the following COAL if you are a target / competition shooter who does not worry about jamming a bullet:
1. bullet 'touching' (jammed) into the lands 6 rounds
2. 0.040" off the lands (jump) 6 rounds
3. 0.080" off the lands (jump) 6 rounds
4. 0.120" off the lands (jump) 6 rounds"

Once you fire these 24 rounds for accuracy, you will know which seating depth your rifle likes best with the 147 grain ELD-M bullets IN YOUR RIFLE (they are all different!)

I know you are working in metric system (millimeters) so you'll have to find an online conversion calculator to figure out what all the "inch" measurements would be in "mm", but this should get you fine tuned on seating depth.
I have the same rifle as you bought. I like it very much. I intend to find what factory ammo shoots the best in it for targets and also for hunting deer. After that I'll buy some dies and try some of the bullets these gentlemen are suggesting, the Berger, Nosler and some others. Good luck and enjoy!
Try Hornady 143 gr. Eld x. Out of the box they are extremely accurate...
Here is the advice from Berger bullets on finding the best seating depth for a TARGET load (not hunting.)
"Trying to find the COAL that puts you in the sweet spot by moving 0.002" to 0.010" will take so long the barrel may be worn out by the time you sort it out if you don't give up first.

Since the sweet spot is .030" to .040" wide we recommend that you conduct the following test to find your rifle' sweet spot.

Load 24 rounds at the following COAL if you are a target / competition shooter who does not worry about jamming a bullet:
1. bullet 'touching' (jammed) into the lands 6 rounds
2. 0.040" off the lands (jump) 6 rounds
3. 0.080" off the lands (jump) 6 rounds
4. 0.120" off the lands (jump) 6 rounds"

Once you fire these 24 rounds for accuracy, you will know which seating depth your rifle likes best with the 147 grain ELD-M bullets IN YOUR RIFLE (they are all different!)

I know you are working in metric system (millimeters) so you'll have to find an online conversion calculator to figure out what all the "inch" measurements would be in "mm", but this should get you fine tuned on seating depth.

This is a good shape to get started, the second step to get the best loads since I have the powder charge now. Thanks a lot for the advice!
Hi! Better than ELD M 147 grains? I prepare my loads for shooting purpose, not for hunting. What do you think? the bergara has 1-8" twist
I have not used the 147s yet but I have personally found the 143 eld x far better than the 140 eld match. I am currently getting .3 MOA at 500 yards consistently. My gun is also 1-8". But this is just me, one man's opinion. Most days I am dealing with a 5-8 mph wind so hoping to get it a little tighter. 100 yrd. About .220 MOA as low as .188.
Hi! Better than ELD M 147 grains? I prepare my loads for shooting purpose, not for hunting. What do you think? the bergara has 1-8" twist
You are doing great with the ELD-M bullet for your purposes. It is the MATCH bullet and you are shooting at targets, not game, so stick with it for now.

The ELD-X is meant to be the 'companion' GAME bullet to the ELD-M, having a high BC with great accuracy, too, but with a different jacket design more appropriate for a GAME bullet. Oddly, some people on this forum have reported that the X bullet left more copper in their barrels than the M bullet. Apparently Hornady also changed the composition of the jacket material when they developed the X bullet and it fouls the bore a bit quicker. One more reason to stick with the "M" bullet for your target activities.
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