Bergara HMR

Also my HMR was built in Spain and I think the Pro is assembled in the USA By retired arm force Bad Asses. I just put a Trigger Tech in a Remmy 280AI i haven't shot it yet because I'm working with the Bergara.
I just got my Bergara 300WM put together yesterday. Here is the build list- Vortex Gen11 5x25x50
Hawkins rings,Key mount muzzle brake. The only thing i would do different at this point is go with the lower ring height.the next size down would clear the bolt and barrel. if anyone has some load data i could start with it would be much appreciated. View attachment 112785 View attachment 112786

mpayne - what height Hawkins rings did you go with.. .55"? Also, what size screws came with the rings? Many rings seem to come with 8-40 but the bergara HMR is tapped 6-48 according to their website so just curious if you had to switch out the screws to 6-48.
mpayne - what height Hawkins rings did you go with.. .55"? Also, what size screws came with the rings? Many rings seem to come with 8-40 but the bergara HMR is tapped 6-48 according to their website so just curious if you had to switch out the screws to 6-48.
I called and they recommend that taller of the two I could have went with the lower ones. They would have cleared the barrel and bolt handle. With my scope set up. What ever they send screw wise worked perfect. I'm out elk hunting right now so I can look at any of my paperwork. Just got this Elk this morning with my new Bergara
View attachment 115390
I called and they recommend that taller of the two I could have went with the lower ones. They would have cleared the barrel and bolt handle. With my scope set up. What ever they send screw wise worked perfect. I'm out elk hunting right now so I can look at any of my paperwork. Just got this Elk this morning with my new Bergara

Thanks mpayne. Happy Hunting.
View attachment 115390
I called and they recommend that taller of the two I could have went with the lower ones. They would have cleared the barrel and bolt handle. With my scope set up. What ever they send screw wise worked perfect. I'm out elk hunting right now so I can look at any of my paperwork. Just got this Elk this morning with my new Bergara
Nice Cow
just acquired a THR in 300 win
what load did you end up with
You're right I gave the wrong c.o.a.l. I just checked and it's 3.585 that's all the clip will allow. I didn't check how far off the lands it is, but it's the sweet spot for my rifle.
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