Bergara HMR

My buddy's shoots great. Took it out to 725 yesterday
Sorry, didn't see the my first posting attempt, I tried posting earlier and got an error message, resigned in later and I guess it returned to my original posting that I previously tried to submit. My bad for not paying attention.
Nice! Factory ammo or had he worked up a load for it? Also, did he have a muzzle break on it and how was the recoil?

Nice!! Did you guys use factory ammo or did he work up a load for it? How was the recoil?

Factory ammo, 190gr lrab's I think. No brake yet. Recoil wasn't bad at all but it was hard to spot my own hits till I got to 500 if I remember correctly
I'm loading for my friends hmr 300wm with 210 Berger VLDs. Can't remember the coal off hand but will check when I get home. I do remember it was just over 3.5" but not sure exactly
Thanks jasent, I have one on order and was wanting to shoot the VLD's. Wasn't sure if the clip would allow me to use the bigger bullets. My 300 win mag in a Browning A-bolt I have to seat the bullets way in to fit in the clip and that's with a 180 grain bullet.
Thanks for the info I will take note of it, what powder how much, primer and group size is your friend getting with your load. I have the gun and scope on order and would like to hit the ground running or at least a starting point.
Thanks for the info I will take note of it, what powder how much, primer and group size is your friend getting with your load. I have the gun and scope on order and would like to hit the ground running or at least a starting point.
ill check the load when I get home. Re22 and cci 250 primers nosler brass. 1/2"-3/4" at 100 depending on who shoots it. Es is 12 FPS
I just got my Bergara 300WM put together yesterday. Here is the build list- Vortex Gen11 5x25x50
Hawkins rings,Key mount muzzle brake. The only thing i would do different at this point is go with the lower ring height.the next size down would clear the bolt and barrel. if anyone has some load data i could start with it would be much appreciated.
300win mag @.jpg
300 WM 1.jpg
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