Bergara HMR

morning, ya I'm wondering when that 300 will be available too. been saving my pennies and planning on buying one once they are on the shelf. Still have not seen one in 300 or 6mm. only 308 and 6.5mm available right now.
so I emailed bergara, they emailed back in about 1 minute, so customer service seems good. They said the 300WM model HMR should start shipping in the next month or so.
I believe there was a 300 HMR on gunbroker a couple of weeks ago. Found when I started doing some research on Bergara rifles. I didn't see it on there as of this morning though.
In case anyone is still looking for an HMR in 300 Win Mag, there is another one on gunbroker. I just checked to make sure will available, Texas Ranch Outfitters is the seller. I haven't done business with them nor do I get any profit from a sale. I just remember a lot of people on this thread were looking for them so I thought I'd mention it in case someone was still looking.
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