Got my squirrel rifle tuned up and ready.



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60 yards with model 64 now if I only had a 40x I think would stop buying 22's


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I was fortunate enough to get my father's favorite gun, his Savage 24H squirrel gun. It is an over-an-under 22LR and .410. He would use the 22 if they were stationary and the 410 if running.
My father picked out and bought a Savage 24 for me on my 14th birthday. It's a 22LR/20ga over/under and by far my favorite gun. I shot over 30 ground hogs with it by the time I turned 16 and countless more in the all the years since... not to mention a good share of squirrels, rabbits and coons. I always use the .22 unless I am going after turkey or chasing birds from the corn. I'd like to take a deer with it someday... those 20 ga deer slugs are fun to shoot.
Wish we had the type pf squirrels you can eat. Only little red squirrels here. Did eat a couple as a kid very small. If I was able to shoot would use this rig. Very happy with it. Savage Mark II BRJ. Really likes Eley Hollow Point. Did accuracy tests of 12 different brands of ammo they came out on top. Aquilla next best.


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My father picked out and bought a Savage 24 for me on my 14th birthday. It's a 22LR/20ga over/under and by far my favorite gun. I shot over 30 ground hogs with it by the time I turned 16 and countless more in the all the years since... not to mention a good share of squirrels, rabbits and coons. I always use the .22 unless I am going after turkey or chasing birds from the corn. I'd like to take a deer with it someday... those 20 ga deer slugs are fun to shoot.
I learned to hunt with the thing
Ruger 77/22 bolt action suppressed, 1 pound trigger by Volquartsen, Leupold 3x9 with adjustable objective.
Ammunition is Winchester subsonic 40 grain hollow point the ones MADE in Australia no longer available in states, I believe, hardest hitting subsonic I've ever seen.
I've had and used this rifle for 20 years and it's killed hundred of squirrels, and many other varmints extremely accurate.
This 4 shot group was shot at 50 yards benched solid with not a hint of wind, a squirrels worst nightmare.
Very nice ! I have a 77/17hmr that is a hammer too. Best to date is .267 for 5 shots at 100yds. Volquartsen barrel, aluminum bed installed in their plastic stock, sleeved bolt, lightened firing pin spring, and a custom trigger job at 2lbs. Its my ultimate squirrel hammer. 150yd head shots are doable , lol.
Very nice ! I have a 77/17hmr that is a hammer too. Best to date is .267 for 5 shots at 100yds. Volquartsen barrel, aluminum bed installed in their plastic stock, sleeved bolt, lightened firing pin spring, and a custom trigger job at 2lbs. Its my ultimate squirrel hammer. 150yd head shots are doable , lol.
Want one of those 77/22.
Love my 452 17hmr
What's not to love about a CZ 452; especially the American! I bought two exactly alike just in case something (heaven forbid!) should happen to the first one. They both shoot exactly alike with the same ammo. And they are both beautiful. I use one for tree squirrels and varmints and the other for RFC Matches.
I love rimfires i have a
17 hmr ruger american
17 hmr marlin bull barrel stainless
22 mag marlin
22 long rifle marlin mo 60
10/22 ruger
All of them have trigger work and are tack drivers. Kill all them squirrles they wreck havic on my deer feeders. Between them and coons i dont know wich i hate more. In off season there are times i have to go sit in my treestand and thin them out. I will have 1500 pics of squrrels and coons in a weeks time at some of my feedees. Sometimes as many as 7 or 8 squirrels at 1 time at them
I will pay for squirrl hunting
What's not to love about a CZ 452; especially the American! I bought two exactly alike just in case something (heaven forbid!) should happen to the first one. They both shoot exactly alike with the same ammo. And they are both beautiful. I use one for tree squirrels and varmints and the other for RFC Matches.
Is that similar to the 457?
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