Squirrels in my F150!

  • Thread starter Deleted member 107796
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I had rats building nest in my grain drill, I scattered moth balls in the box, they built their nest on top of them, a friend told me to pour a gallon of diesel in the box for unwanted visitors, no more rats, spiders, or snakes
I was going horn hunting one spring and had camper on my 350 powerstroke,first trip out from barn.Hit first hill and no power,i had cooked tranny once and was thinking it was happining aging.Got out check all had a tranny gauge now,pulled cover looked at air box and it was plumb full of the long pinecones,not another would fit.Emptied and smooth rolling after that,put 1/4 wire mesh over my intake
I had my camper on truck after pulling out of storage. Loading it in driveway and caught movement on top bunk. DANG! Had to be 15-20 field mice running all over the place! That was hoot trying to chase them out door! Finally hauled mattress out into driveway and they poured out of it.! Must have been apartment complex for them. Mattress never went back into truck!
I had rats building nest in my grain drill, I scattered moth balls in the box, they built their nest on top of them, a friend told me to pour a gallon of diesel in the box for unwanted visitors, no more rats, spiders, or snakes
I thought the moth balls would work. I hear they smell pretty bad, though I have never smelled them myself.
Was up early to elk hunt,reached down on segrabbed my ball cap,nice Boonenand Crocket with grizz on it all chewed up and rat chit in jeep chewed in threw shifter boot.Traped him in a empty beer box w/peanut butter
I ended up doing some small game hunting in the engine compartment of my F150 yesterday! I ended up using a shop vac as my weapon of choice. It was needed to vac out two little ones from the nest, as well as the few pounds of grass and what not from under the manifold. They did squeal a bit after the vac wand got a hold. 🤓
I set them aside in there own little nest and noted after a while, that they scooted off or other... cheers all
I'll rent you my Rat Terrier, could get messy, but he will sort them out.
I'll rent you my Rat Terrier, could get messy, but he will sort them out.
Guarantee it we had a jack Russell a few years back . There wasn't a chipmunk , mouse , rat , or snake safe on our place .

He actually cost me 1200 dollars one spring . We were in the building getting stuff ready to put out on porch and checking the mowing equipment out . And good ol max was running around chasing any mouse we flushed out to him . Well one of those little suckers ran up into the mower and I never gave it a second thought while max was after him until I saw the wiring harness completely destroyed . Yeah just so happened John Deere had quit making that harness and motor so I got to buy all new instead . In all honesty I never really liked that dog but it was my sons so I dealt with him , but he was good at killing unwanted vermin
I'll rent you my Rat Terrier, could get messy, but he will sort them out.
We have a Rat and you're right on both accounts! I didn't think of it, thankfully. The last time she rooted something out, it was under the sauna. Next thing you know a snake is flying and she grabs it mid length and gives it a good shake. I found that the first bite nipped its' head clean off.
My son's lab was pretty good too but stubborn! If he chased a ground squirrel down hole, he would "excavate" till he got it! Landscape block be darned! Nothing stopped him except for Addison's Disease which was so sad to see him deteriorate overtime even with monthly $$$ shots. Dang, missed him dearly, he was my pal.
I bet that lab could move some dirt ! But I'd bet ya a donut that the old ladies Great Dane can get said target dug out faster . She loves chipmunks! She looks like a 375 CAT excavator after them just going to town
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